Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Sides Freshly ground white pepper Salt Butter ...

The pears are cut into slices and softened in cold water and thoroughly cleaned. Dip the pores well. In a pot melt some butter and the porridge is sautéed for a few minutes without taking color. Season with a little salt and pepper and add the cream a little a

Cake add-ons Cardamom Salt Dark syrup ...

The dough is kneaded, covered and set to rise for 20 minutes, after which it is formed into a ball which rests for a couple of minutes. Then roll the dough out, put in a greased bradpande. The remoncen is ironed and slightly dark powder sugar over the cake is

Appetizers Lemon Cremefarice Dill ...

Start with the Roulad, which is baked in good time, as it will have time to cool off. Pour butter and flour together into a pan. Sprinkle with milk and cream while still whipping and cook for a few minutes. Take the pot off the heat. Pour all the vinegar f

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt SKIL Wheat flour ...

Mix. Raises 1 hour Get on the plate in 2-spoon bumps. Replies 1 hour. Bake approx. 20 min. At 200 gr.

Mains EVS Pepper Liberally salted water ...

Rub another with salt and pepper and fill it with the rinsed grains. Sew the other seamlessly together and put it in a pan of game-boiling, lazy-water, which just covers. Boil another - yes, it must boil - low for approx. 1 hour. Take another of the saucepan a

Sides Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

The eggplant is flaked along, scratched crosswise and seasoned with salt, pepper and thyme. The garlic is stuck all in and the oil is poured over. The eggplant is reassembled, packed in stanniol and baked in the oven for 45 minutes. The food is scrapped with a

Mains Pepper Salt Pineapple ...

Mix water, vinegar, sugar and tomato paste in a saucepan and give the mixture a boil. Turn down to low heat so the sauce does not boil. Stir the flour into cold water and add it in a thin jet while stirring. Take the pot off the heat. Warm 1 tbsp. Oil in a

Mains Pepper Salt Milk ...

Tear the carrots and mix them with oatmeal and fat in a saucepan. Pour the mixture for 7-10 minutes. Let it cool off. Stir milk, eggs, flour thyme, baking soda, salt and pepper together into a smooth dough. Turn the carrot mixture in. Butter a pie dish, pour t