Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Salads A little lemon zest Lemon juice and a bit of shell Honey ...

Make carrot and Leek in a position. Cut the vegetables into smaller pieces. Steam them crisp-tender. Boil the whole oats according to instructions on package-add salt and lemon peel-or until it is tender and pleasant to bite into. Let vegetables and grain cool

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Profile rødkålen very finely and grate the carrots finely and mix it together. Stir the dressing together and pour it over the salad.

Salads Curry Apple Orange ...

Peel the Apple and carrots and grate them finely. Råkosten came in a bowl and mix it with lemon juice and sugar immediately. Cut the shell and the white membrane of appelsinen and grapefrugten. Cut the flesh into the fillet with a sharp knife and share them in

Salads Chinese cabbage leaves Lemon juice Mushroom ...

The mushrooms covered with water and brought to the boil and made to cool in the cooking water. Bamboo shoots and water chestnuts bruses over with cold water and cut into fine strips. The meat cut into 1 cm wide strips which are poured with 2 tablespoons soy s

Salads Iceberg-and friséesalat Herbs Oil ...

Jerusalem artichokes peeled and cut into cubes in thin slices. Port wine and oil whisked together, and the discs are changed in the dressing. Jerusalem artichokes seasoned with salt and pepper and made cold a few hours. Leeks, celery and carrots peeled and cut

Salads White cabbage Lemon juice from here Horseradish ...

White cabbage chop finely. Horseradish and carrots grated finely and mix with raisins. The cream whipped stiff and mix with the juice from 1 lemon. The dressing into the salad. A little mayonnaise can possibly. mix in the cream. Tastes good for cold rose.

Salads Watercress, fresh Parsley, fresh Salt ...

Grate the carrots fine. Cut the Brussels sprouts into strips. Chop the watercress and parsley. Mix it all together with dressing. Dressing: mix all ingredients.

Salads Minced parsley el fresh coriander Pepper Salt ...

Cook the rice according to the instructions on the packaging, but add the turmeric to boil the water, so the rice will be yellow. Cool them off. Cut the carrots into thin sticks and cook them for 2 minutes. Shower them with cold water. Thaw the peas up sugar.