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Recipes with Banana

Sides Orange juice Berries (or a half of 2 kinds) Banana ...

Slice the banana into 3, Prop youghurten and orange juice down in and finally bærene ... Blend into it feels "smoothie-like" Tips: If it is too acidic then put a little more orange juice or yoghurt in..

Mains Onion Squash Vegetable oil ...

Arrow the onion and cut it over. Rinse squashen, crack the lengthwise and cut it into slices. Cut the half-onion into slices. Cut the peberfrugten and the mushrooms into strips. Peel banana and cut it into slices. Heat the oil in a frying pan or wok. Sauté the

Desserts (cold) Pineapple Banana Greek yogurt ...

Cut all fruit into suitable pieces. Tube Greek yogurt with a little milk into a suitable consistency. Season to taste with vanilla sugar and sugar/sweetener. Tastes much better than råcreme and cream by whipping cream:-)

Cakes Banana Muesli without sugar Liquid honey fx acacia honey ...

1. Mash the banana with a fork, and mix with honey and Granola. 2. advantage Granola mixture into 5 equal portions/rods on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. 3. form each portion into a small Rod-approx. 12 x 3 cm. 4. behind the bars in the oven at 150

Cakes Salt Buttermilk Bicarbonate of soda ...

The fat is softened and stirred well with sugar. Add the eggs one at a time. The very ripe bananas moses and place in crushed nuts and havergrynet granted. Core milk poured in. Flour, bicarbonate of soda, vaniliesukker, salt, sifted together and Add. It al

Breakfast & brunch Æbel Orange Banana ...

putter just yogurten in a plate and put a lot of the accessories you want in. Tips: This right can be a good thing for them as that will lose weight. lots of protiner and all the rest. A good start to the day:) can be used all kind of yogurt ...

Cakes Daimbar Vanilla pod Banana ...

Cake: cream Whipped together and warmed up while stirring until it is stiff. Allow to cool. Piskefløden whipped into whipped cream. a fourth part of cream foam mixed together with cake cream and crushed daim. Half of cream mixture placed on a layer cake

Various Banana Handful raspberries Handful of strawberries ...

Put everything in blender except water, and mix gently got the water in and blend to the desired consistency. Tips: This should very much like to be so smothie "thick" that you cannot get it up on a regular drinking straw.