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Recipes with Apples

Desserts (cold) Lemon Plum Large handful organic muesli ...

First you cut the fruit out and distribute it in the cups. So come you mysliet in. Then the lemon and finally the sugar. Tips: It is the best fruit salad you've tasted. Believe it.

Desserts (cold) Berry grapes – Strawberry – cherries or similar Whipped cream Sugar ...

The apples were peeled off and eroded (freed from cored), in which they are cooked in water, there's added sugar and lemon, to the apples should not be boiling in pieces. The cooked apples filled with walnuts, which are cooked in milk with sugar. Apples garner

Mains Table salt Sugar Eggs ...

Halve horn fish across. Sprinkle the flesh side with salt and pepper and fold them together once. Turn them in together in a mixture of beaten egg and bread crumbs, flour, parsley, lemon zest, salt and pepper. Let the butter in a frying pan and fry the Golden

Mains Apples Cayenne pepper Fresh spinach ...

Chicken cooked with the meat removed. The tamper-proof, and the meat is added to the draining. Cocoa powder, chilli, salt, pepper and, if desired. garlic powder in a grydes and lunes with oil. Chicken pieces reversed therein and FRY crisp. The salad cut and mi

Mains Fennel encountered Pepper Salt ...

Onions and cabbage cut into bite-sized pieces and place in a saucepan along with curry, fennel, pepper, salt. Add 4 dl. milk, and it stands over low heat while the rest is made clear. The apples cut into pieces. Koteletterne Brown in a frying pan. The

Mains Ginger, crushed Apples Acacia honey ...

Tenderloin, cleaned and cut into steaks at 2-3 cm that plumped out. The Brown in olive oil and place in a serving dish. Brown onion and garlic lightly. Pepper Apple and tomatoes are added and it all some gruel is ca. 5 minutes. Add the broth and season w

Mains Vinegar (URf.eks. raspberry/white wine vinegar) Fresh or dried thyme Oil ...

Roast Turkey schnitzlerne 3 min. on each side. In the same pan fried red onion cut into both, apricots in strips plus Apple both. It all added thyme and juice from 2 oranges. Season with 1-2 tbsp. vinegar and salt and pepper as you like. Serve apricot/Apple mi

Mains Pepper Salt Acacia honey ...

Chicken filled with raw Apple pulp and ombindes with bacon slices. put in baking dish. Brushed with oil, honey, a little salt, pepper and ginger. FRY in the middle of the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for 30 minutes, then at 225 degrees c. alm. oven for