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Recipes with Apples

Mains Brown sugar Large onion Mushroom ...

The top cut of the apples and the eroded. The onion chopped and FRY in oil. Then add the chopped ham and chopped mushroom and let it cook for 5-10 minutes. So add farinen and mix well in the mix. Finally add the sour cream and cognac and the mixture is filled

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut chicken breasts twice and came across Apple, both in the two pockets. Wrap each breast into bacon. Season with salt, pepper and thyme and the crushed garlic, place them in an ovenproof dish and put them in the oven approximately 30-40 minutes at 200 degree

Mains Curry at will Oil for frying Small onions ...

Turkey meat Sauté in a little oil with curry and onions. Cream or coconut milk added with an Apple into cubes. It all boils approx. 20 minutes after which the rest of the shredded apples and sliced celery added. The Court is now ready to serve.

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Cod steaks in flour, invert and mix ellertorskefiletter with salt and pepper. The fried golden in oil and butter 7-8 minutes on each side, taken from the pan. Apples sliced, cored, stem and flower are removed, but the skin is not necessary to remove. The

Mains Oatmeal Wheat flour Pepper ...

The herrings made able and seasoned with salt and pepper. Onto with the juice of a lemon and reversed in a mixture of wheat flour and oatmeal. FRY in butter in the pan until they are light brown and served on a platter. The apples and the two onions cut into c

Salads Chopped parsley (a small bunch) A little blue cheese into cubes Pepper ...

Them and the cabbage/glass majroen peeled and cut into bars. The apples cut into cubes. The ingredients for the dressing, shake together in a meljævner or a jam jars with lids. Pour the dressing over the salad. Parsley chopped and turned over along with

Salads Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Rice and pasta are cooked according to instructions and cool. The pasta can be hosed with cold water. Stir together the marinade and season with salt and pepper. The apples cut into very thin slices. They reversed in the marinade. Rice, pasta and vårsalat are

Cakes in form Sea salt Cinnamon, ground Eggs ...

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder and spices in a bowl. Whisk melted butter, milk and eggs together and stir into the dry ingredients. Apples peeled, cored and cut into cubes for freed. Turn the Apple cubes in the batter and the benefit it in ca. 12 molds.