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Recipes with Apples

Desserts (warm) Honey Cinnamon, ground Brown sugar ...

Apples eroded gently with a teaspoon, but not quite down to the flower. Valdnødder, brown sugar, raisins, margerine, cinnamon and honey is stirred together put in apples. Put the apples in the dish with the fill-up. Bake in oven 25 minutes at 180 degrees c

Cakes in form Ground cinnamon Brown sugar Oatmeal ...

Mix the brown sugar, cinnamon and oatmeal in a bowl. Peel the apples and cut them into thin both. Pour apples in a pie dish and pour mixture over. Give it so 9 min. in the microwave at the highest power. Use if necessary. cream fraice to.

Sides Apples Small turnips Sweet potatoes ...

Wash vegetables and apples. They should not be peeled off. Cut the zapallitos or UFOs in beams. The small turnips can be whole, larger cut into bars. They put on skewer alternating with squashene. Cut the sweet potatoes in halves or quarters and cored apple

Appetizers Oil Finklippet dill Form franskbrød ...

Shrimp, mussels, peas and tuna drips of in a strainer. Apples and peppers cut into cubes the whole place in a bowl. Shake well and pour the dressing over the salad, place the salad cold for about 30 minutes. Cut the upper crust of bread and hollow-out the butt

Cakes in form Apples Baking soda Chopped chocolate ...

Soft margarine and sugar whisked together and add the eggs one at a time. Add flour and baking powder and finally invert the chocolate pieces in the batter. The dough in a greased bradepande form. The apples were peeled, cleaned and cut into both. Apple boats

Cakes in form Egg yolk Apples Banana ...

Cut the fruits out and blend them. Whip the eggs to the skimmer well. Add sugar and stir well. Turn the flour and vanilla in. mix the fruit in dough. Pour into a 1.4 l. shape, and bake at 160 degrees c. alm. oven for approx. 80 min. on the lower Groove.

Cakes in form Icing sugar Cinnamon, ground Sugar ...

The fat is softened and stirred together with sugar, and then add the eggs one at a time. Wheat flour-which bagepulveret is term-added with milk and it all touched to a uniform mass. Half of the batter in a greased and floured fill springform (approx. 24 cm

Cakes in form Vaniliesukker Magarine/butter (cold) Wheat flour ...

The oven turns on at 200 degrees. The 5 apples skraldes (and core are cut away) and the Apple cut into cubes. The cold magarine and friable fine flour and sugar in a bowl. Put the apples in a greased casserole dish and sprinkle some vaniliesukker over them.