Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Coarse salt Bay leaves Pepper ...

Hot coals in a grill starts up. Style a foil tray on the lower grate in a charcoal grill. Pour the coals along the side of the grill and around the foil tray. Put the grill grate on, chicken over foil tray and put a lid on the grill. Make sure that both the da

Mains Basmati rice Cinnamon Small cup yellow lentils ...

Brown the meat with the chopped onion, then add the pureen and simmer 2 minutes. Add water at its own discretion and let boil approximately 1/2 hours. Cut the potatoes into slices and put them in the right-let Cook 10 min. Add the lentils and let Cook 10 min.

Mains Lots of rice peanuta pineapple into cubes or banana into slices Broccoli Mild curry paste ...

The chicken is layered in 3-4 hours. The meat through the FRY in wok and mix with the vegetables. The vegetables cut into approximately equal sized pieces. Broccoli and bell pepper in eventually otherwise it becomes something splash. When everything is done

Mains Pepper Canola oil Salt ...

Sprinkle chicken breasts well on one side with salt and pepper. Brown them in a frying pan in rapsoliem. Let them roast 4-5 minutes Turn them and sprinkle the other side with salt and pepper. Benefit 2 teaspoons horseradish on each. Put a slice of cheese and a

Mains Olive oil to fry in White pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Start with tomato sauce: Chop the onions. Pressure individual cloves garlic. Heat olive oil in a pan and add the onion and garlic. Ready to sample in a few minutes without Browning. Add the peeled tomatoes and tomato pureen. Add carrots, mushrooms, spices, wat

Mains Havarti cheese the round Money gravy Pepper ...

Cook screws in water add salt. Fry the beef in the pan add salt and URpeber.tag large dish pour a little screws on the bottom of the dish. pour a little beef over screws. put a thin layer of cheese a little beef again. and again. screws. and again beef it ther

Mains Pepper Salt Turkey Club ...

Cut the anchovy fillets into smaller pieces and benefit them in a club, where the femur has sided. Lace the mallet with cotton cord, rub it with salt and pepper and place it in a small baking pan. Pour white wine and put aluminum foil over. Set the mallet in t

Mains Cream Wheat flour Suit ...

Femur boning of the Turkey Club. Fill: Grate bacon light brown in a pan Add all the vegetables and let it småstege approx. 2 min. Mix cream fraichen in vegetables and take the Pan from the heat. Season Turkey with salt and pepper to taste into a Club-and