Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes from Wocobook

Sides Rye bread ...

The rye bread is grated, browned and pressed (while still hot) in egg yolks. Cool and flip out on a flat dish....

Mains Flutes Pepper Salt ...

Chop onions and parsley. Grate courgettes and carrots on the rough side of the grater or in a food processor. Mix and cut the thyme nicely. Whip egg with oil and grahamsmel and half of the cracked cheese. Mix the vegetable stock and season with salt and pepper...

Salads Fresh pepper from the grinder Sea salt Finely chopped shallots ...

The raccola is cleaned and placed in a wreath on the plates. The tomatoes are cut into slices and the cheese is "stalled out" with a glass (for round slices). Place tomato and cheese around the inside of the wreath and decorate with basil. Stir the dressing fo...

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Peel and chop, spoon it in oil on a pan for 5 minutes, add the courgettes and let it spin for 5 minutes. The breadcrumbs are placed in a bowl together with 2 dl milk, the eggs and half of the cheese. The whole is whipped together and add the cooked mix to the ...

Appetizers Green pesto Parmesan cheese Pepper ...

Spread the peppers on long and distant kernels and stalks. Fill the pears with oil, garlic in thin slices, salt and pepper and put them in the oven for 40 minutes. At 180 degrees C. alm. oven.

Take them out and put the thinned scallops in the pear and put t...

Appetizers Pepper Salt Hot chili in thin strips-seedless ...

Melt butter and olive oil in a deep pan add lemon juice, garlic and chilli. Sauter. Add the prawns and warm through. The parsley is added just before serving. Served with good bread....

Soups Wine Vinegars (sherry or red wine vinegar) Goose or duck fat or olive oil (half of each) Large onion ...

Rinse and sort the beans. Soak them in plenty of cold water for at least 10 hours. Cut the slice into thin slices and pancetta in small cubes and sauté both in grease in a large saucepan. Cut the cabbage into very thin strips and put them in the pan together w...

Desserts (cold) Grated orange zest Yogurt Orange juice ...

Run all the ingredients through a blender. Freeze the yogurt a few hours....