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Shepherds Pie á la Jeanette

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4 portion(s)

Ingredients for Shepherds Pie á la Jeanette

Parmesan cheese
Butter and milk
a little Water
1 Large can of pomatpuré
200 g Peas (like frost)
350 g Peeled carrots
4 Small or 2 large onions
400 g Minced beef
500 g Peeled potatoes

Instructions for Shepherds Pie á la Jeanette

To prepare the Shepherds Pie á la Jeanette recipe, please follow these instructions:

Cut the carrots into the appropriate slices, crack them first if they are too big.

Brown the meat, add salt, pepper and tomato puree. "rose" it a few minutes in the Pan and pour the water into the can of tomato puree and pour it in. then Came the onion in, let it warm a bit before you add the carrots and peas and warm it in further 5-10 my depending on how thick your carrots are cut out, they may not be completely finished.

Cook kartoflererne for they are almost finished, and mash them roughly with røremaskinen. Com a couple of spoonfuls butter and a little milk and whisk it all to the mashed potatoes (it should be slightly thinner than when we're doing it because it's easier to smear out).

Pour the vegetable/meat-mass in a serving dish and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Butter kartoffelmosen across and "behind" it in a preheated oven without a lid by 200 degrees for about 30 minutes, or until it is golden.

Served with beanaise sauce and flutes. Will you save calories, you can easily omit the sauce, it tastes is certainly not inferior of the reason.