Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Whole milk

Mains Basil leaves Olive oil Oregano ...

Lamb keel laid bare in an ovenproof dish. olive oil mixed with pressed garlic, salt, pepper, and chopped basil leaves. Pour the marinade over lamb Club. Roast lamb the mallet in the oven approximately 1 ½ hour at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. The middle of meat mu

Mains Pepper Grated nutmeg to taste Salt ...

Clean Brussels sprouts and boil them in salted turn tender. Let them drip. Stir the meat with flour, eggs and milk. Season with grated nutmeg, salt and pepper. Form forcemeat into small meatballs about Brussels sprouts. Fry them in a pan with butter and oil. S

Cakes Dark or light chocolatiers a piece per muffin Eggs Oil ...

Mix flour, sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar, salt and cocoa well together. Whisk eggs, milk and oil is about 1 min. Stir egg mixture into melbalndingen until it is uniform. Divide the batter into molds and fill them just over half up. Put a (large) pi

Mains Small fresh brændenælde shots Budingepulver (green) Whole milk ...

Low budingen and add the small brændenælleskud. When it has hardened will be small brændenælleskud in your buding.

Soups Jævning (corn flour) Pepper Salt ...

Start by boiling the chicken tender. While the cooker chop vegetables (mushrooms, pepper, spring onion and garlic) Find a large pan forward and pour 1 litre whole milk i. Put the vegetables in the soup and warm up (it must not boil!!) When the chicken is

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Cut the redecorated chanterelles into smaller pieces. Chop the peeled onion. Hot frying pan and fry the onions over medium heat in this clear. Stir in meat and mushrooms in and continue frying over medium heat for a few minutes. Cut the tomatoes into small

Desserts (cold) Crème fraîche, 38% Sugar Cream ...

Ice cooled down and run into the IceMaker to the soft ice cream consistency. Once the desired consistency has been reached, the soft ice cream is poured sour milk in, and the mass run finished.

Mains Parsley, fresh Green chili pepper Paprika ...

Courgettefad: Onions and garlic peeled and chopped. Courgettes peeled and cut into cubes. Tomatoes cut into smaller pieces of Chili cleaned for seeds and chopped. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onion, garlic and chili in it, about 5 minutes. Courget