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Recipes with White wine

Desserts (cold) Lemon Leaf gelatin Brown sugar ...

Peel the lemon thin, squeeze the juice from it. Put husblasen to soak in cold water for 2-3 minutes. Squeeze the water out well. Give the wine, water, the yellow lemon zest, lemon juice, sugar and isinglass a rehash, stirring. Sieve the mixture, for example th

Mains White wine Pepper Salt ...

The stem is broken by the artichokes. wilted and coarse outer leaves removed and the upper third of the leaves are removed with a pair of scissors or a sharp knife. The trimmed artichokes quartered lengthwise and placed immediately in cold water with lemon jui

Sides Sugar Piece of whole cinnamon White wine ...

Came white wine, sugar and cinnamon in a bowl and cook it in the microwave at 800 W for approx. 2 min. stir so the sugar dissolves and add wind ruerne. Cook for an additional 4 min at 800 w. Pipes in kompotten along the way. Cool kompotten and remove cinnamon

Mains A bit of wheat flour to sprinkle Freshly ground pepper Sea salt ...

Fill a pot halfway with water and add a lemon, cut in half, 1 bay leaf, vinegar and a little salt. Cut the stems of the artichokes. Starting from the base of the Artichoke and cut with a vegetable knife all the leaves away and then remove the artichoke bear

Desserts (cold) White wine Vanilla pod Stems vinrabarber in thin slices ...

Boil water and sugar with vanillestangen, which you have split and scraped the insides out (everything must be cooked with), to a syrup. Add the rhubarb slices and remove the Pan from the heat. Let rhubarb cool in sugar brine. Add the white wine and got it all

Desserts (cold) Fresh Mint for garnish and flavor Sugar White wine ...

Boil sugar, water and wine together in 5 minutes at good heat. Crack passion fruits and scrape the insides out. Blend the pulp and mix it in the warm syrup. Got it in the freezer and stir in it after 5 minutes. And then regularly to the formed ice crystals. Th

Desserts (cold) Lemons (juice) White wine Sugar ...

The rind from the oranges strimles thin (especially the strip of iron may be used). Orange peel strips cooked 4-5 minutes in plenty of water. Then they are taken up in a sieve and rinse with cold water. Then boil the shells together with white wine and 50 g of

Desserts (cold) Fresh peaches White wine Icing sugar ...

The strawberries are washed, nippes and cut into slices. The peaches soaked in boiling water for a moment, so they're easy to peel. The udstenes and cut into slices. Strawberry and peach added in a bowl or in the port wine glass. They sprinkled with icing suga