Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Parsley potatoes Salad Coarse salt ...

Ask the butcher score the rind lengthwise right down to meat with ½ cm ´ s space-but do not scratch in the flesh. Mix the marinade of apricots into small cubes, finely chopped garlic and white wine. Put the roast in a heavy plastic bag with the marinade. Close

Mains Minced parsley Olive oil Pepper ...

Fish out of water and boil it up and let it withdraw as above. Peel the potatoes and onions and cut them into smaller pieces. Picking fish flesh from bone, cartilage and remove the skins. Sauté onions and potatoes lightly in a pan in olive oil. Wheat flour

Soups Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan and saute the karryen herein. Blend garlic and peeled tomatoes and got it in the Curry mixture together with white wine, milk, finely chopped bell pepper and bouillon cube. Boil up and let the soup boil about 20 minutes season wit

Mains Dill White pepper Jævning ...

Fish fillets rolled slightly together lobster tails and made into a heat-proof platter, pretty close and possibly. with the toothpick to stick together on the rollers. Sauce: the detoxified and Finnish year mushrooms steamed in some butter and then add the

Mains A little finely chopped red chilli Butter Hot chilli sauce ...

Meat: Tag kålbladene and cut the stalk off. Got them in boiling salted water and then cook them almost tender. Take them up and cool them down quickly in ice water. Baste them accordingly. Father: getting the meat in a large bowl and stir in the cool with s

Desserts (warm) Cinnamon Sugar Lemon grated to thereof ...

Cut the apples and oranges into cubes. Mix both parts and sprinkle sugar over. Stir a batter of milk, eggs, flour, white wine, sugar and vanilla sugar. Add the grated lemon rind. Mix Apple and orange pieces in the batter. Melt the butter in a large pan, pour t

Soups Pepper Salt Garlic baguette ...

The bulbs are cleaned and cut into thin slices of Onions fried in 1 tbsp. butter in 8-10 min. turn down the heat and let the onions Cook for about 20 minutes until Caramelized Onions are picked up and placed in a bowl. The mushrooms cleaned and cut into str

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The onions, chop the peppers cleaned and cut into large cubes, onion and peppers, sauté in a pan with garlic. The tomatoes cut into pieces and add along with the peeled tomatoes and white wine. The spices are added. Leave it and simmer for about 30 minutes.