Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Baking potatoes Fat for frying Oil ...

Start with the potatoes, cut in half and brush with oil before sprinkling with dried herbs, for example. Rosemary, merian or other. Put them in the oven at 200 ° C for 40 minutes. Put the meat slices a little flat and put a slice of ham on each side with a pai

Mains Well 1 kg boneless raw salmon with skin Vegetables New potatoes ...

Start with the sauce: Bring wine and broth into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Smooth it with wheat flour in a little broth. Whip cream and egg yolks together and whip it in. Warm it to the boiling point while stirring. Season the spices and season with salt

Mains Fresh tarragon Jævning Pepper ...

Get some fresh estragon in each chicken. Also bring a small bowl of butter. Rub the chickens with salt and pepper and brown them on all sides in butter and oil in a frying pan. Sweat the heat and pour half of the wine. Let the chickens spin under the lid for 3

Sauces Madagascar pepper Rørukker White wine ...

Warm the peppercorns in a saucepan while crushing easily with a saucepan. Add the wine and let it boil almost completely. Add the boulion and let it boil a little. Add cream, whiskey and sugar and cook to the desired consistency (can be evenly tapped with 1 te

Soups A little Rosemary Pepper Salt ...

You can either use boiled potatoes or fresh. Cut into cubes and boil tenderly in white wine, water and boullion. Bacon roast on a pan until it is crispy and poured onto a plate. Pears and garlic chopped and spiced in bacon grease. Parsley and garlic are

Mains Steamed spinach mixed with miniløg and maize Pepper Chives ...

Rub the culottes with salt, pepper and thyme. First brown it in the oven at 250ºC in one block. Dip the heat to 160ºC and complete it, approx. 50 min. yet. Let it rest for 10 minutes after it has been taken out of the oven. . Sauce: Lightly chopped onions and

Mains Fresh chili can hakes fine and added Pepper Parsley ...

Cut the carrots fine in the tern Cut the spring leaves in slices, the same applies to the garlic. The four salmon are rinsed and checked to ensure that there is no dirt if they are scrapped with a knife and rinsed again. They are put in an ovenproof dish.

Soups Mushrooms Oregano Pepper ...

Chop onions, tomatoes mushrooms and carrots roughly. Chop the garlic and chili fine. Grind fresh ginger on the grater. Pour some oil into a saucepan and season onions, carrots, mushrooms, garlic, chili and ginger. Came both the fresh tomatoes and they