Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Appetizers Chili powder Cognac Fresh chopped parsley ...

Arrow the tails, but save the shells. Hummer Fund: The pilled shells, cloves, etc. are to be knocked with a meat hammer or the like, thus releasing the most flavor. Olive oil is added to a pan. Take a teaspoon of peppers. This is shaken in the oil. Then

Mains EVS. a little broth Kraftben Oil ...

Cut a few slices into the outer edges of the meat, so it does not bend during the frying. Season with salt and pepper. Peel carrots, parsley and mushrooms. Cut carrots and chives in slices. Put mushrooms in quarters or half depending on the size. Cut garlic in

Sandwiches Eggs Lemon Citronbåd ...

Shake the bread on a toaster. Pan two of the fish and put them on a pan. Boil the other two in a little white wine in a pan or microwave until they are tender but not over cooked. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Stir the dressing together and taste it. Make the

Sauces A quarter of oksebouillion mixed with 1 dl water Madkulør Corn flour Brown thickens ...

Onions first and then and mushrooms are browned in oil or butter. Additionally, oxebouillion and water are added. Let it boil. White wine poured into boil. Whipped cream added and food balls. Finally, tends to achieve the thickness you want, salt and pep

Mains Cayenne pepper Olive oil Oregano thyme Basil mixture ...

Season the beef in a little olive oil and season with salt, cayenne pepper, oregano, thyme and basil. Then cook onions and garlic, cut into coarse pieces with the meat. Season the cabbage, which is also cut into a little coarse pieces, hard in olive oil in

Appetizers Dill Curry Melbolle (flour + margarine) ...

Make 6 pancakes Make a dumplings of butter, flour, curry and dill Bring white wine and whipped cream in a saucepan and simmer for a low flare approx. ½ hour The flour bowl and boil for 5 minutes with constant stirring Come shrimp in The filling is spread

Mains Bacon or lard in slices Suit Bay leaves ...

First polish the thin tongue and cut into thin slices. Then chop the onions nicely and mix with plenty of salt and pepper. The meat slices are squeezed flat and seasoned with the onion mixture. A slice of bacon or spoon is laid over and the meat disc is

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Place the ham in a large pot. Pour both bottles of wine into the pan. Pour water into the pan so that 3/4 part of the ham is covered. Pour some salt and pepper. Lay the lid on the pan and allow the ham to boil for 2 hours. Every half an hour, turn the ham