Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Pepper Salt Flat-leaf parsley ...

Stewed icing fillets: Spice the fillets with salt and pepper, roll so they are uniform in thickness and place in a refractory dish. Pour 2 dl fish fund into the bottom of the dish, cover with stanniol, and steam the fish in the oven at 190 degrees for 10-12 mi

Mains Lemon usprøjtet Chopped dill Cucumber ...

Cutting: The fillets are folded so they have the same thickness and season with salt and pepper. Pour fish fund and white wine into a pan and place the fillets in the layer. Bring the pan to the boil, turn it down and allow the fillets to steam for approx. 2 m

Mains Oil Pepper Parsley ...

Pumpkin Cream: Cut the meat from the pumpkin dish into smaller pieces and put it in a pan together with 1 chopped onion. Add white wine, chicken fries and rosemary and let it boil until the pumpkin dish is completely boiled. The sauce is blended and sieved. Ad

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Red pepper sauce: Start with the peppers: Cut each pepper in 4 pieces and behind them with the skin side up for approx. 10-15 min. At 200-220 degrees until the skin turns dark / black. Take them out, put them in a plastic bag and let them cool off. The skin c

Mains Blade silver praying, Savoy cabbage or large spinach leaves Lemon juice Garlic at will ...

sauce: Start here. Cut the chopsticks in fine tern and sauté them in a little oil in a saucepan. Add white wine, fish fund and some lemon juice and let it boil halfway. Add cream and boil again to 2/3 part. (Cooking tips: put 50 g. Cold butter in the sauce at

Soups Curry Pepper Salt ...

The mussels are cleaned. Make sure everyone is alive! This is done by giving each mussel a light bank towards the table. If it is alive, it will close and otherwise it will be discarded. Rinse in cold water. Season butter with curry in a large saucepan and cho

Mains Pepper Salt Dill ...

Potato chips: Potatoes and vegetables are cut into the tern and boiled tenderly in a saucepan. The water is poured and the whole is mashed with a whip together with 100 g of butter (the moss may be a little rough). The dish is seasoned with salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Salmon-sliced ​​cutting: Spice the cutie fillets with salt and pepper. Cut the salmon into thin slices and put a layer on top of the fillets and roll it together. Put the rolls in a dish and add fond and white wine. Cover with foil and steam them in a hot ove