Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with White wine

Mains Flutes Corn flour Oregano ...

Tortellini Formaggio (with cheese) is boiled - as directed - and put into dripping in a door layer. The beef tenderloin is cut into very small luncheons - less than you expect - and steaked in butter for 3-5 minutes in a pan, after which white wine and whip

Mains Fresh Chervil Oil Pepper ...

Boil salt, sugar, water, bay leaves, peppercorns and thyme for 5 minutes. To a brine. Cool the layers. Place the lamb back for 48 hours. The blasted lambs are boned so that the fillets hang together on the back skin. Spinach is rinsed / cleaned, ribbed f

Mains EVS. crushed juniper berries Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chops slightly in the edge and bristle in butter with strips of bacon slices, season with salt, pepper and crushed juniper berries, fry approx. 3-4 min. On each side depending on the thickness. Taken up on the pan boil off with water and wine as well a

Mains A little salt Water Alm. Onion which is stuck 4 whole cloves ...

The dried white beans are soaked in cold water for one night, and the beans are placed in a pot of fresh water, approx. 1 liter, as well as oil, bay leaf, garlic, onions with cloves. Boil without lid for approx. 1 hour. Take a few beans and notice if they are

Mains Salt Increased chicken Grill White beans in tomato sauce ...

The dipping tomatoes are said from the stored vats, the bulbs are divided into triangles and the peppers are divided and cut into strips without the white seeds. All light dishes in the hot oil and afterwards add moisture from the tomatoes, white wine, bay lea

Mains Lemon juice A bit of vinegar Bay leaf ...

Rub the quails with salt and pepper, brown them quickly in a frying pan and put the pan in a 200 degree hot oven, approx. 20 min. Cut the melon into balls with a small sharp spoon or a ball iron and marinate the fruit in lemon juice. Kook courtbouillonen 20 mi

Mains Parsley Leaf celery Broth ...

Sprinkle the ham with smoked pork and brown it in butter in a thick pot with an onion cut into slices, a carrot, a stalk of celery and parsley. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. When it is browned pour a large glass of white wine and then a large glass of broth o

Mains Sour cream 18% or ymer EVS honey Pepper ...

Sprinkle the quails with the spoon and fry in butter in a saucepan with high heat until they are browned. Then screw it down and the junk berries easily broken into a mortar are added. After 3-4 minutes, white wine is added and the quails boil for approx. 15 m