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Recipes with Vegetable broth

Sides Pepper Salt Frozen knorr Italian herbs ...

Season the chopped onions in the oil without coloring. Bring the rice in and stir until they look greasy. Pour the broth over, bring to a boil and simmer the heat. Boil under low heat for approx. 15 min. Shake while the pine nuts on a dry forehead. Save them t

Mains Pepper Rice as accessories (there is also rice in the meatballs) Saffron (optional) ...

Put the rice that has to be accessories over and boil (not the one that is going to be in the farmer) Turn the farmer with rice Add cinnamon, peppers and stuffed coriander Melt 150 gr. Butter / margarine on a large forehead and form the dad to approx. 20 fr

Soups Chives Cream horseradish Vegetable broth ...

The onions are chopped. The beetroot peeled and cut into coarse cubes. Potatoes are rinsed, peeled and cut into cubes. The butter is heated in a saucepan, and onion, beetroot and potatoes are lightly heated by medium heat for 5 minutes. The vegetable broth is

Mains Cornflour sauce thickens Pepper Parsley ...

The potatoes are peeled and boiled approx. 20 minutes in low salt water. Once they have cooled, they are sliced ​​and ready for later. Chop the chop in the tern and wrap it in a sauté pan with the smoked medisers cut into 5-10 mm thick slices. Make sure the

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh Pepper ...

Sprinkle the fish slices with salt and pepper and sprinkle them with lemon juice. Give the sliced ​​pork a spoonful of boiled salted water, let them drip and mix with the chopped spices approx. 1 DL. Total. Bring them to an ovenproof dish. Pour broth and

Mains Fresh coriander Fenugreek seeds Chili powder, strong ...

The ingredients of marinade are chopped well and mixed. The meat is cut into mundane pieces and mixed with marinade. Put in the refrigerator for at least a couple of hours. Put the peanuts in soft in cold water. Tomato paste: 2 chilies and 1 clove o

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Who cut a lid of græskarret, go it udkernes with a spoon. Spinach chopped coarsely and mix with ricotta, egg yolks and breadcrumbs. It is seasoned with salt, pepper and nutmeg. There sprinkled salt and pepper in the hollowed-out pumpkin. filling in. Putting

Sides Salt Garlic Onion ...

Leaf spinach beet be able, stems cut into very thin strips, the leaves into 2 cm wide strips. Chili from udkernes and chopped fine. The onion cut into small cubes and Fry lightly with chili, the pressed garlic and bladbedestilkene in 2 tablespoons oil over a l