Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Lunch Lemon pepper Lemon juice Pepper ...

Rinse the fillets thoroughly. Turn them in rye flour mixed with lemon pepper and chopped lemon balm and fry them for about 3 min. on each side. Sprinkle with salt after cooking. Sauce: cut the onions in slices FRY cope in butter. Sprinkle with the flour, an

Lunch Dill, fresh Little pickle from the herrings Sherry. dry ...

Cut herrings into 2-2 ½ cm wide pieces. Layer: crush the juniper berries, peppercorns and Bay easily. Boil the ingredients for brine, except sherry, together, home, if desired. with ¼ dl sugar and came to taste more sherry in brine is chilled, of. Herrin

Lunch Pepper Salt Sugar ...

The fennel lengthways into chopped fine. The herrings are cut into small pieces and stir the other ingredients together and pour over fennel and herring, which are served layered in a small bowl.

Lunch Wheat flour Onions, diced Pepper ...

Herring filetér cleaned and shared if necessary in 2 fillets, turn over in the flour with the salt and pepper, FRY. Ingredients for brine mix, and the fried herring fillets pulls herein a few hours, possibly. for the next day. Garnish: chopped onion, diced + c

Lunch Onion rings Milk water Water ...

2 sausage, cleaned and filleted herring. The skin is removed and the herrings put in milk water overnight. A marinade is prepared by 3/4 dl. tomato paste, 3-4spsk. sugar, 1 1/2 dl tarragon vinegar, a little water, 4 whole cloves and 4-5 white peppercorns, 1 fi

Lunch Wine-vinegar Oil Cream (13%) ...

Aromatic sildefileterne rinse, run by trimming, slicing, and each herring is split into 2 pieces and placed in a halvdyb Bowl. Wine-vinegar and sugar gets a slight rehash, cooled and poured over the warm, which now must pull in the marinade for a few hours. Fo

Lunch White pepper Red onion Salt ...

The herrings are cleaned and boned. Vinegar, salt and pepper to taste mix well and pulls the herrings a day. Taken up, then escapes and is arranged in an elongated dish. Vinegar, water and sugar to boil, and once the marinade is cooled add karryen, after which

Lunch Water Vinegar Medium-sized finely chopped red onion ...

Rinse the fillets, run by Spegesilde, 10 trim cut into very narrow chopper. Put in a bowl, and the letknuste allspice sprinkled in between. Vinegar, water and sugar gets a slight rehash, add half of the finely chopped red onions, and pour the marinade over the