Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Sauces Balsamic vinegar Peeled tomatoes in tins Olive oil ...

Chop 1 onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Hot both in a good splash of olive oil and add the dried oregano and half a nip 1 dried chili as you crumbles and let it spin for 5 minutes. Add 2 cans peeled tomatoes put a lid on in a neighborhood and MOSS then tomatoes w

Soups Salt Bulb per person Rod vanilla ...

cut the yellow by citronens to cook up in the water grynene add sago star anise and lemon zest simmer to grynene is cooked and the texture is syrupy take lemon shells and star anisen up Peel the pears and cut them into both add the pears, beer, sugar and some

Lunch Lemon Onion Pepper ...

The catch is filleted and sil be marinated for about 1 hour in lemon juice and chopped onion, seasoned with salt and pepper. For the dough, mix flour, eggs, beer, water, oil, salt and sugar. This pull in my 1 hour. Just before frying, invert the stiftpiskede e

Salads Pepper Salt Dildfrø ...

Peel squashene with a potato peeler and cut them into very thin slices. Put them to dry on a paper towel for approx. 1 hour. Then mix all the ingredients in a bowl, carefully style it to cool in the fridge and serve the salad cold.

Cakes in form Apples Baking soda Chopped chocolate ...

Soft margarine and sugar whisked together and add the eggs one at a time. Add flour and baking powder and finally invert the chocolate pieces in the batter. The dough in a greased bradepande form. The apples were peeled, cleaned and cut into both. Apple boats

Cakes in form Egg yolk Apples Banana ...

Cut the fruits out and blend them. Whip the eggs to the skimmer well. Add sugar and stir well. Turn the flour and vanilla in. mix the fruit in dough. Pour into a 1.4 l. shape, and bake at 160 degrees c. alm. oven for approx. 80 min. on the lower Groove.

Sauces Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

The peeled tomatoes brought to the boil along with the finely chopped onion and boullionterningen. Boil under the lids do not for high heat for 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Then add sugar and the temperature increases while boiling takes place unde

Desserts (cold) EVS. fruits (frozen raspberries or strawberries are really good) Pie bottom Ice cream (your favoritis can also be used!) ...

Put batter in a ildfastfad. Cut the ice into small pieces, put the pieces on batter in a "mountain". and style of the dish in the freezer to just before you need it. The egg whites whipped very stiff, then add the sugar. Smooth then marengsen in addition to