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Recipes with Sugar

Cakes Salt Butter Cinnamon ...

Milk lunes and mixed with yeast. The rest of the ingredients mixed in. Dough raise now in 30 min. The dough rolled out o 25x40 cm long sheet and lubricate it with cinnamon mixture. Bake for 10 minutes at 225 degrees.

Various Apples Sugar Water ...

Peel the apples/remove carpels cut the apples into small cubes Put the apples in the Pan Add water-just as the bottom dækes Add sugar. Add the oatmeal or nelike cooked to mush approximately 15-30 minutes Stir once in a while with a ladle Tips: ser

Cakes 75 g raisins Cinnamon Salt ...

Udrør the yeast in the warm milk. Come on sugar, salt, and together the beaten egg in the butter in the flour. Findel. It came in the dough and knead it together. Set it to uplift a warm place in a little over a half an hour. Filling: roll out dough into a la

Cakes in form Baking soda Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker ...

Mix all ingrdienserne in a bowl, and put wax paper in the bottom of a brædepande, and pour the batter in. Cake bake on the lower Groove in the oven for about 30 minutes at 180 degrees. Tips: Low a little icing and place over so it tastes even better. Mu

Cookies Eggs Baking soda Vanilla sugar ...

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. The dough rolled into small balls and press with a fork. Tips: The cakes bake for approx. 6 minutes at 220 degrees.

Desserts (cold) Cocoa Milk Whipped cream ...

1. milk, cocoa and sugar whisked together in a saucepan. Stir in chokoladenmælken until it boils 2. the Isinglass soaked in cold water be 3. grinding water of the gelatine. Got it in the hot milk. Stir the gelatine is melted. 4. set for cooling. Stir occasi

Various Havragryn Milk Nestle cocoa/different kind of cocoa ...

You just need to take a dish and make a potion Oatmeal like you would normally. Take milk and sprinkle with sugar, then cocoa powder you sprinkles on afterwards that tastes really good with nestle cocoa, but you can also use a different kind of cocoa. So are

Cake add-ons Kartoflermel Sugar Splitemandler in small chopper ...

egg white whisked with sugar completely rigid must then put almonds and kartoflermel caution put baking tray with baking paper and low round circle in 2 oven must be heated with 175 degree in 45 min. Tips: in while doing in kammelersause 1/2 dl dark syrup