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Recipes with Sugar

Soups Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Saute carrot, onion, garlic and Apple. Add tomatoes, tomato paste, thyme, Curry and broth. Let the soup simmer 15-20 my. Blend the soup. Warm through again and season with salt, pepper, tabasco, lemon juice and a pinch of sugar. Tips: Wanted more "bite

Candy Margarine Coffee Sugar ...

Instead of using rum essence can also be really Rome after taste. All kneaded together and there after rolled into balls which rolled in coconut or other. Tips: Mage says they are good.

Pickling Apples (like tangy) Sugar Lemons ...

all fruit is shared, only pumpkin peeled apples are shared and carpels taken out oranges and lemons must be organic when eaten with the skin. everything is run through the mincer. everything except. sugar boil approximately 40 my sugar is added and cooked 40 m

Pickling 2 cl. orange liqueur URf.eks. Grand marnier Orange Lemon ...

Peel kiwi fruit and cut them into slices. Squeeze Orange and lemon. Mix kiwi, Orange and lemon juice with the sugar in a bowl. Let the mixture stand for about 10 hours, so the give off juice. Then boil the mixture into a saucepan in 2 min. Take the pa

Pickling Atamon Yellow melatin Apple juice ...

Boil meat in kiwi juice in 10 mins-stir often. Udrør melatin in a little water, it came in kiwi mass and let it cook for another 1 min foam well. Add sugar, warm up the mixture and stir it well through the sugar is dissolved. Finally, the jam pour on pur

Cookies Salt Eggs Bicarbonate of soda ...

The dough come together Rolled into small balls the size of a hazelnut, and pressed with a fork Put on a baking sheet with good distance when they flow out Bake at 200 degrees for about 10 minutes

Cakes Wheat flour Almond essence Raisins ...

The apples were peeled, grated and mixed with sugar and raisins. Place in a greased ovenproof dish. Beat the eggs and sugar, oatmeal, flour and almond essence is added, and it all poured over the apples. Bake 20-30 minutes v. 180 Gr. Try with a knitting needl

Salads Lemon Jam Sugar ...

Slice the tomatoes and lemon with shell in fine pieces. Put it all in a pan along with sugar. It should cook at very low heat for approximately 2 hours. Pour on afskoldede glass and served for various cheeses