Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Sides Freshly ground pepper Freshly squeezed lime juice Coarse salt ...

Mix the sour cream, lime juice, sugar, salt and pepper. The dressing must be sour and you should be able to surmise that there is salt and pepper in. Cabbages, carrots and celery mix in a bowl and add dressing. Taste, if desired. to.

Breakfast & brunch Cinnamon Salt Water ...

Warm water, add rice, boil a little. Add milk, boil up, unpack into the blankets or sleeping bags. heat if necessary. before the made on the table.

Breakfast & brunch Vanilla Egg yolks Sugar ...

whip eggs and sugar add the curdled milk and buttermilk

Cakes in form Cacao Icing Soft butter ...

BAKING TIME: approx. 60 minutes at 170 DEGREES Stir in butter and sugar well. Add the eggs one at a time, and stir the batter well in between. and stir it into the batter alternately with the milk. pour the batter into a small buttered baking pan (25 + 30 cm)

Cookies Baking soda Cardamom Soft butter ...

The soft butter is stirred together with sugar. The eggs are whisked together and onto in. They slipped and finely chopped almonds added with the flour, baking powder and cardamom, it tube whole well together and made cold for dough is firm (small ½ hour) T

Cakes in form Lemon juice thereof Potato flour Sugar ...

Whip eggs and sugar white and frothy. Mix wheat flour, potato flour and baking powder and stir it in æggesnapsen. Add the lemon juice. Brush springformen with FAT or line it with wax paper. Pour batter in and behind the at 175 degrees C for about 35 minu

Cakes in form Magarine Bicarbonate of soda Milk ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees Put indgredienserne in but wait with chocolate snippets and daimen. Stir or whisk it together. Daimen and chocolate in small fine cut equal pieces. Put them in muffinformene and behind them. in about 15 mins. Tips: Pu

Cakes in form Sugar 70% dark chocolate Butter ...

Take butter, and let it stand forward and be soft. Crack the chocolate into small pieces and melt it over a waterbath at low heat. While the chocolate is kept warm, add butter and 80 G of sugar. Mix it well, to the chocolate has a smooth consistency. Add the e