Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Baking soda Icing sugar Vanilla ...

Margarine, sugar, vanilla and egg is stirred together. The flour sifted with baking powder and add alternately with milk. Make the dough in a greased springform. Peeled, sliced, quartered apples to be laid over the dough. Bake at 180 ° for about 30 minutes. Re

Cakes Coconut oil for baking Salt Sugar ...

Mix flour and baking powder and add milk, eggs and salt. Stir together into a dough and mix with the melted, cooled butter. The dough must not be frothy. Vaflerne baked in coconut oil, until golden and served sprinkled with sugar to a steaming hot cup of te

Pickling Atamon for preservation Green Tomatoes Whole ginger ...

Rinse, dry and prick the tomatoes, water and vinegar to the boil. The tomatoes in 5-7 minutes, boil the tomatoes are picked up. Goal 5 dl. of the layer the tomatoes are cooked in sugar and spices, and came in. Sheeting brought to the boil, immerse the tomat

Cakes in form Dark chocolate 44% Breadcrumbs Baking soda ...

Eggs and sugar whipped frothy, ground almonds, flour and baking powder mix and invert gently in place in a greased bread crumbs drizzled. springform and bake approximately 3/4 hour at 170 degrees c. alm. oven. Cooled and sliced, then there will be 2 bottoms

Desserts (patisserie) Cream Prunes Eggs ...

All ingredients are mixed and kneaded into a dough. Divided into 4 pieces that are pressed into shape. Bake at 200 degrees until brown. Added together with the cooked prunes and cream. Garnish with whipped cream. Tips: The cake should preferably be a da

Cake add-ons Nougat Soft butter Egg yolks ...

Bring the milk to a boil. Melt the nougat over a water bath. Mix while sugar, egg yolks and corn flour. Pour milk, nougat and half of the butter in the egg mixture. Mix everything together and bring the cream to a boil. Let it cool and then beat the rest of

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Oil margarine Buttermilk ...

Whisk eggs and powdered sugar into white foam. Mix buttermilk and oil margarine with lemon rind and add the mixture to the egg foam. Then mix in corn starch, flour and bicarbonate of soda together and turn the whole thing into egg foam. The dough pour in a

Cakes in form Milk Water Wheat flour ...

Whisk the whole eggs thoroughly with sugar, and stir in melted somewhat cooled margarine in, term cocoa, flour and baking powder together and stir in the eggs alternately with boiling water and milk, put wax paper in a small buttered baking pan and fill the do