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Recipes with Sugar

Cookies Sugar Milk Oatmeal ...

1 switch on the oven at 175 degrees) 2) Stir sugar and red dot together (easiest with a hand whips) 3) havergryn, add the flour and milk and knead the dough with your hands 4) 35 balls and set them at the tril a baking plate (with baking paper) 7) let them bak

Desserts (cold) Egg yolk Water Dried coconut ...

Com mungbønnerne in a pan and cover with a layer of water at 4 cm. Boil up and cook further in 30-35 minutes at medium heat until the beans are completely tender. Baste beans carefully by, joined them in a bowl and mash them fine. Add the coconut and egg yolk

Soups Salt Sago Compressed brown sugar ...

Com sago, water and coconut milk in a saucepan and boil up. Add sugar, brown sugar, salt and lemon zest. Turn down the heat and let the soup simmer for about 25 minutes, until it is ready and focused. Take lemon shell up and serve the soup.

Desserts (cold) Salt Gelatine powder Letpisket egg white ...

Got coconut milk, sugar and salt in a saucepan. Sprinkle the gelatin powder in addition to milk and stir. Cook slowly, stirring until sugar and gelatin powder is dissolved. When the cream starts to boil, be taken immediately by the flared and made for cooling.

Desserts (warm) Vegetable oil Chilled cooked long grain rice Sugar ...

Term the flour into a large bowl. Add sugar and coconut and mix. make a recess in the middle and pour coconut milk in. mix to a steady, thick batter with a round bladed knife. Add the mango puree, eggs and rice and mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Heat

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Concentrated lime juice Water ...

Take the seeds out of the fruit and peel them if necessary. Cut the fruit into suitable pieces and put them in a serving bowl. Syrup: getting water and sugar in a small saucepan and heat slowly, stirring until sugar is dissolved. Boil brine and let it cook for

Desserts (warm) Water Sugar Egg yolks ...

Come on sugar and water in a saucepan and stir over low flame until sugar is dissolved. Boil up and boil again, to sugar sirup will be ready and the texture thicker. Twisting the egg yolks through a muslin cloth into a bowl. Got a bit of egg mixture in an icin

Desserts (warm) Salt Corn flour Sugar ...

Boil 5 cups coconut milk, sugar and salt in a pan while stirring. Whisk the cornmeal and the last ¾ dl coconut milk together for a steady jævning. No one in the Pan and stir smooth tubes, to the cream boils and begins to tykne. Add the banana slices, and let s