Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Rye bread 1-2 juice from oranges ...

Cut carrots and onions and sauté them in a few minutes. Add the vegetable stock and simmer, covered, for about half an hour. Blend the soup and season with salt, pepper and orange juice. Warm the soup up again. Serve with toasted rye bread.

Mains Suit Margarine Pepper ...

Arrow the onions and chop them roughly. Brown them in a pan with a little margarine (oils can also be used) Add the minced beef and Brown it together with the onions to it has been color. The broth is made by dissolving a beef bouillon cube in 4 dl. Water.

Mains A little salt Salt Onion ...

Does fungi able and make them clean. Slice the mushrooms and onions in small cubes. Fry onions Golden in butter, then add the mushrooms and fry them, and apologise for stirring. Then season with salt and let them cool off. Fill this mass in pelmenidej. Pelm

Mains A little salt Salt Black pepper ...

Run beef twice through the mincer. Add the liver by different chopping. Arrow onion, purer it and mix it in kødmassen. Season the mass, knead it well and fill it in pelmenidej. Pelmenidej: mix the milk with the same amount of water and salt. Make a batter o

Mains Mixed herbs Pepper Salt ...

season the meat with salt and pepper and Brown well in butter with onions and garlic, leek and tomato puree came in and stir well through deck water halfway around the meat and simmer a half an hour it came up in a heat-proof platter sprinkle herbs over cut th

Mains Jævning Pepper Salt ...

Fillets must trim and split lengthwise and bank them out. Filling: Saute finely chopped mushrooms and fintsnittet onions in oil from the tomatoes. Cut the tomatoes into small pieces and stir them in, along with the thyme to taste and the chopped parsley. Ta

Lunch Pepper Salt Onion ...

Cut the onion finely and put it in a bowl along with the forcemeat. Put so the egg in along with salt and pepper, then come in and stir the water and melen. Let stuffing rest for 20-25 minutes in the refrigerator. Find a frying pan and melt the margarine, t

Mains Spices A little water Oil ...

Wash all the vegetables and cut them into ænskede size, preferably all together more or less equal size. I peeled the potatoes and cut them and peeled the carrots and cut them into sticks, cut into 3 cm thick porrene spell, and the bulbs I cut in both. Once