Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Soups Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Chop onion, garlic and bell pepper. Chili peppery split and kærnerne are removed, then chopped it (amount according to taste). MAS Juniper clean. Brown the beef in a pan with a little oil. They came chopped ingredients, spices, and canned tomatoes in balsam

Salads Flat-leaf parsley Tomatoes Sumak ...

Cut the onion into quarters from stem to bottom and then cut into thin slices. Chop the parsley, not too fine. Then mix it all in a small bottle with a lid and put a few hours in the refrigerator. Add if necessary. finely chopped tomatoes. Tips: Super yum

Mains Chili powder Oil for frying Pepper ...

Heat oil in a pan and sauté the onions. Put the meat in the Pan and sauté it with. Turn down to medium heat and got beans, tomato and corn into the pot. Cut the peppers into cubes, finely chop jalapenos and grate the carrots. Got it all in the Pan, along with

Lunch Fresh chopped parsley Pepper Salt ...

1 dl rice cooked in 10 min. with 2 dl water and a little salt. Then, they pull for 15 minutes, covered. The vegetables are cleaned and cut into cubes. A frying pan with the oil warms up, and the vegetables roasted on the forehead in 4-5 minutes at medium heat

Dressing Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Onion and garlic peeled, cut into smaller pieces and blended together with A-38. The other ingredients are added, and the whole blended a few min. to the dressing gets a uniform green color. Season with salt and pepper, lemon juice and soy. Tips: is perfec

Salads Apple Watercress Dijon mustard ...

Drain the yoghurt. It takes about 1 hour. Pipes then with mayonnaise, powdered sugar, mustard and lemon juice. Grate the cabbage and carrots/fine cut, and chop onion and Apple just fine. Mix the ingredients together and add the raisins. Tips: By serving

Lunch Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Cut the fish and onions in coarse pieces and chop them short with salt in a foodprocesser. Came the other ingredients in-minus oil,-but wait with half the milk, so you can adjust the consistency to dist. When forcemeat is created, shaped it with a spoon and F

Mains Bread as an accompaniment 35 g per person Lemon juice Pepper ...

The beans be soaked overnight and then cooked in a new team of water until tender. It takes about 40 min. The chicken is freed for skins and cut into 8 pieces. The vegetables be rearranged and cut into large cubes. Chili, garlic and Ginger chopped finely an