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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Olive oil Pepper fruit Red onion ...

The Schnitzler brune and split. The spinach is rinsed, ribbed and swirled in a little butter and a little salt and pepper. Spinach with a little cheese in the schnitzel before baking it at 170 degrees for 10 minutes. Served on pasta salad of red onion, pepper

Mains Olive oil Tomato puree Squash ...

Peel eggplant / squash, cut into the tern and grate in olive oil. Add tomato, puree, pepper and garlic. Season with salt and pepper and simmer for 15 minutes. Cook asparagus potatoes, pil them and shake them off in a little butter and then sprinkle with nut

Mains Ginger, freshly grated Olive oil Lemon ...

Herb lemon peel and ginger mix with a little oil like marinade to the Schnitzler. Scooter roots are peeled and put into water with a little lemon juice. Then cut into coarse pieces and fry in a little olive oil. The meat is placed on the forehead 2-3 minutes o

Mains Pepper Salt Breadcrumbs ...

Chop fat with thyme, garlic, sun-dried tomatoes and onions. The ingredients are well mixed together, add eggs and milk, salt and pepper and form as fry dishes and fry on the forehead. The salad is prepared by dividing the cucumber and freezing for kernel

Mains Pepper Salt Cream ...

Put chicken in oil and add onion, apple and carry. Quit some min. Before flour is added. Sprinkle with broth and cream. Boil and season with salt and pepper. Distribute the filling into four hot pancakes and serve immediately.

Mains Olive oil Olive oil for frying Pepper ...

Filling: Eggplant and squash cut into slices, sprinkle with sea salt and dilute for approx. 15 minutes. Duppes dry with kitchen roll. Eggplant and squash cut into smaller cubes. The tomatoes are cut in both. The onions are peeled and chopped well. Onion

Mains Basil leaves from 1 stem Broth (both soup and bouillon cube) Extra virgin olive oil ...

Maccheroni: The pasta dough was well cooked. When the dough has the correct consistency, roll it out into as thin a layer as possible. Cut with a cake spoon in square pieces of 3x4 cm. Squash Sauce: Cut well and put it on a high forehead with olive oil, a

Mains EVS. jalapeño pepper for garnish A little olive oil Chopped tomatoes ...

Start with the sauce: Clean the chili and cut them into strips. Heat oil and butter on a pan and sprinkle onion and chilli on medium heat for approx. 5 minutes until the onions are golden brown. Chop tomatoes and add them with most of their juice. Season wit