Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Freshly ground pepper Salt Capers ...

Scald the tomatoes and remove the skins and cores taken, cut them into quarters. Mix them with the crushed garlic and basil leaves, olive oil, chopped anchovies, cheese chunks and swabbed, capers, slat and pepper. Let ingrediensene pull in a few hours. Knock d

Salads Little friseesalat Flat-leaf parsley Small hill feld salad ...

All the salads and the parsley and picking. Turn them first in the oil, then in balsamicoen. With a thin Peel peeled off thin flakes of Parmesan. It all turned over together. Served with URf.eks. Tomato risotto with pepper and parsley salad with good bread.

Salads Crushed garlic Salt Plain yogurt ...

Clean the peppers, cut them into thin rings and fry them in olive oil, to the Tanner. Take them up and put them in a halvdyb Bowl. Stir the yoghurt with salt and garlic. If the yoghurt is very thin, then pour it in a towel in a sieve and let some of the væden

Salads Brønkarse and bladselleri leaves Freshly ground pepper Wholemeal bread ...

Peel the pears and remove core houses. Cut the pears into thin both. Advantage bladsellerien on 4 plates. Serve that end, the pears and the 2 kinds of cheese. Garnish the salad with watercress and badselleri leaves. Dressing: whisk citrus juice together with m

Salads Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Cook the cous-cous grynene and refrigerate them. mix juice with oil and tomato juice citronens. Crush the garlic and add them to the cold cous-cous. let the grits pull a half an hour in the dressing. Peel the cucumber and cut it into small cubes. Remove pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Garlic (halved) ...

Soak the beans a day in advance. Scrub the inside of the Bowl thoroughly with white onion salad. Cut the tomatoes in the district and drain them-possibly. salts them easily. Peel the cucumber, remove the cores and cut it into slices. Remove the Pepper's stem a

Salads Fresh green or red Basil Pepper Olive oil ...

Remove the stick from the salad and rinse it gently in cold water. Shake it well clear of the water and place it in the refrigerator in a plastic bag in a few hours, preferably overnight. Cut the bread into fine dice, grate them Golden in oil and put them onto

Salads Fresh basil Pepper Salt ...

Set the beans to soak 24 hours. Boil them with three times as much water as they fill. Refrigerate them. Rinse the beans in cold water and Pat them in a tea towel. Cut the celery stalks into slices. Save the leaves for garnish. Remove frøstolen and cut t