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Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Put the chickpeas to soak overnight in plenty of water, and boil about 1 hour in salted water. White onions Sauté in abundant olive oil until lightly golden. Chickpeas, onion, tomatoes and parsley Sauté with a moment-ca. for the tomatoes will be a little bit

Mains Parsley, fresh Green chili pepper Paprika ...

Courgettefad: Onions and garlic peeled and chopped. Courgettes peeled and cut into cubes. Tomatoes cut into smaller pieces of Chili cleaned for seeds and chopped. Heat the oil in a pan and sauté the onion, garlic and chili in it, about 5 minutes. Courget

Sides Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The potatoes peeled off (if necessary) and cut into both. Tomato puree, oil, lemon juice, garlic, chili, salt and pepper in a bowl and mix the potatoes turned over. The whole thing is distributed on a baking pan lined with baking paper and bake in the ov

Mains Chili pepper Lemon Dried chickpeas ...

Let the chickpeas stand in soft overnight. Boil chick peas in salted water for 2 hours. SI water from and blend with lemon juice, garlic, chili and olive oil. Mix bread crumbs and fresh coriander. Dressing: mix yogurt with lemon juice and fresh chopped Mint

Lunch Onion Oil Olive oil ...

Clean and chop the onions and sauté them shiny in oil. Cool. Chop or grate the cheese coarsely and cut salami into strips. Chop soltørkede tomatoes finely and mix it with the fried onions. Mix all the dough and stir onion ingrediensene and cheese mixture into

Salads Green bell pepper Red onion Head lettuce (romaine or iceberg) ...

Start with the dressing: mix lemon juice, oregano and black pepper and stir then olive oil in style of dressing aside. and let the drag. Rinse and dry the salad. cut it in small pieces and put them in a bowl. Rinse the peppers and tomatoes and cut them into s

Sides Pepper Juice and grated to be of 1 lemon Salt ...

Squash slices grilled for a few minutes and served on a platter. The dressing, beat well and pour over.

Mains Olive oil to the dish Grated zest and juice of 1 lemon Groftkværnet pepper ...

Set the oven at 175 degrees. Place the grate in the middle of the oven. Butter a baking dish with olive oil. Cut an incision in the side of the chicken breast to form a Pocket Thus crumble into a bowl and mix with the breadcrumbs, chives, lemon zest, lemon j