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Recipes with Olive oil

Lunch Pepper Salt Melted butter ...

1. stir chopped spinach, crushed garlic, chopped onion, Turkey, chopped pine nuts, oregano, parmesan and olive oil together. 2. Season with salt and pepper and stop stuffing in the cannelloni tubes. 3. Insert the tubes next to each other in an ovenproof dish

Mains Paprika Pepper Rice ...

's chicken mix the feta with garlic, oil and herb de provence. put it in the chicken and place it in a baking dish brush with oil and cruiser chicken with salt pepper and paprika approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes in the oven at 180grader hot air serve

Lunch (to go) Olive oil Salt Fresh mozzarella cheese ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water, add the salt and then the flour little by little, so with a little oil to knead the dough is smooth. Let the draw warm 1/2 time. Beat the dough down, share in 5 parts and roll out into circles, placed on wax paper on the bakin

Sides Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Blend olive oil, garlic and Rosemary. Halve the tomatoes, cut the peppers into large cubes and squash into thick slices. Put the vegetables in a large buttered baking dish, drizzle with Herb oil, salt and pepper. Behind the vegetables 2 hours at 125 degrees c

Salads Lemon juice Desiccated coconut Salt ...

Grate the beetroot and carrots fine. Stir them together with raisins, nuts, oil, vinegar and garlic. Season with salt and sprinkle with desiccated coconut citon and. Tips: Super easy to make, delicious and healthy!

Soups White pepper Salt Fennel ...

Chop fennel, onion and garlic, and saute with coarse salt and pepper in oil in 20-30 minutes at low heat (don't branke). Add the ouzo and let it boil for a short add the peeled tomatoes, coarsely chopped Sun-dried tomato and bouillon and simmer in the outer le

Appetizers Fresh Rosemary Fresh thyme Olive oil ...

Cut the baquetten in writing on about butter one side of each type with olive nole. Chop the herbs routes oq cut mozzarellaen in writing. Læq a slice of mozzarella on each baquetteskriver oq advantage herbs above. Grill bruschettaerne about my 3-4. Server

Salads Pepper Salt Good (but not necessarily true) balsamic vinegar, if desired. with Walnut flavor ...

1. lettuce and rucola rinsed and dried 2. the salad cut into 2 cm slices and then shared in 6-8 cm pieces 3. Salad shared 4. The bulb peeled off, udkernes and cut into 3 cm cubes 5. Oien and balsamic whipped together and season 8en part) Maldonsalt and pep