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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Mixed green salad Freshly ground black pepper Cooked (basmatis-or brown-) (whole grain) rice or pasta ...

Chicken meat is stirred to a real father's with the next 10 ingredients. Broth and wine is heated in a roomy saucepan. Meanwhile, sauté the mushrooms in a pan in a little olive oil for about 10 minutes. Be set aside. Forcemeat is moulded with a spoon int

Mains Chili powder, strong Ground turmeric Salt ...

Auberginerbe peeled and cut into cubes, about 1 x 1 cm. The oil is heated in a wok for even heat, and aubergines and onions Sauté soft. Add tomatoes, coriander leaves and green chillies and FRY further 2-3 minutes. Add the turmeric and salt and season to

Mains Salt Large onion finely chopped Olive oil ...

Okraerne rinse and pat dry with paper towels cut them in slices of 1 cm. Heat the oil in a wok for even heat and sauté the onions soften. Add the okra slices and salt, stir it gently along, to okraerne is cooked, approximately 10-12 minutes. Serve wit

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon juice. freshly squeezed ...

Fold the cod fillets and season. with salt and pepper. Fry the cod fillets 1 min. in olive oil on a medium-hot pan. Add water and lemon juice and steam the fish 5-6 min., covered, on low heat. Take the fish up and keep it warm. Halve the tomatoes, remove th

Mains Olive oil Salt Water ...

com things i. in the order as mentioned. knead it all together into a solid mass let it rest 5 min. everything again 10 mins. let dough raise 1 hour. form dough into a pizza now. fill as you like. Tips: the dough is so it can be used in the Breadmaker.

Mains Green Salad Slices of good bread Small pillekartofler ...

Squashene cut 2/3 through in thin slices (like for Hazel back potatoes) Oil, garlic and Basil stirred together and shall be distributed between the discs in squashene, which bake in the middle of a hot oven 200 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Sauces Finely chopped cucumber Tarragon Finely chopped walnuts ...

Cucumber and gherkins finthakkes at will Cucumber, gherkins, Curry and estragon Sauté in olive oil. Three walnuts added to last just before the piskefløden poured over. Season with salt and pepper.

Appetizers Pepper Pine seeds pumpkin seeds Salt ...

Cook the pasta and rinse with cold water. Whisk lemon juice olive oil salt and pepper together. Pour the marinade over the pasta and mix with the fintsnittet fennel and lettuce sprinkle. Cut the cucumber into long strips with a potato peeler and add to the