Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Sides The juice fea 1 lime Flat-leaf parsley Olive oil ...

Pick the parsley and chop it roughly. Cut the scallops into thin rings and with them in olive oil and lime juice. Then add boiled bulgur or wheat kernels and season with salt and pepper.

Sides Sea salt Rice Soy ...

Cook the rice according to the instructions on the package Cut the choo into pieces, the stalk of the slices and the leaves in coarse pieces. Stir the stalks with 1 onion in fine slices in warm olive oil for 2-3 min. Then add the leaves and continue for a few

Soups Finely chopped chili Water Cane sugar ...

Sprinkle onions and cut in ½ cm. Thick slices. Cut garlic. Heat the oil in a large saucepan and raise the coarse golden and soft at low heat. Sprinkle with sugar and simmer, add soy and chopped chilli and cook. Pour broth and simmer for half an hour. Grate wh

Bread, buns & biscuits Sesame seeds Sugar Eggs ...

Crumble the yeast and dissolve it in finger-warm milk or water. Add 1 egg, oil, salt and sugar. Stir the flour for a little while and work the dough until it drops the bowl. Let the dough raise the cover for 30 minutes. Work the dough smoothly on a table

Sides Lemon juice Parsley Salt ...

The eggplant is spun with a fork and baked in an oven at 200 g for 30-40 minutes. Cool slightly, flak and flatter the meat with a spoon. Mash the meat with a fork and stir with tahin and oil for a coarse purée. Season with lemon juice, garlic and a little salt

Appetizers Pepper Rosemary and Sage Salt ...

Heat the oven to 100 gr. Half the tomatoes and put them in a frying pan on baking paper. Heat the olive oil on a small forehead. Add chopped onion and garlic. Season until the bulbs are light golden and add sugar, chilli and herbs while stirring. Take the

Mains Pepper Salt White wine vinegar ...

Marinated potatoes: Boil the potatoes with peel and peel. Cut into slices in a deep bowl. Finely chopped garlic, finely chopped mustard, vinegar and olive oil pour into a pan, heat and pour over the potatoes that pull for 24 hours. Parsley Foam: Chicken