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Recipes with Olive oil

Salads Pepper Salt Ground cloves ...

Cut the red cabbage into thin strips. Make a marinade of red wine vinegar, olive oil, juice from cherries, cloves, salt and pepper and pour over the red cabbage. Add cherries and leave this time and take a good hour. Just before serving, whole almonds are th

Mains Pepper Salt Vegetable broth ...

Put the parma ham on a piece of baking paper on a baking sheet, put a piece of baking paper and baking sheet over and set the oven for 15 minutes at 200 degrees C. alm. oven. Stir fennel in thin slices and onions in fine terns of olive oil together with stu

Sides Paprika Teaspoon cumin chili Grovtoast ...

First take all the bread and cut it into small tern and lay them in a deep frying pan. Then mix the spices with the oil and stir around and pour it on the frying pan and add salt and pepper to taste and mix it. Then put them in the oven at 150c until they are

Mains Olive oil Pepper Parsley for garnish ...

Cook the pasta in the salt water - follow the cooking instructions on the package. Step while bacon into a little olive oil - when the bacon is crisp, it breaks into small pieces. Whip egg yolks, cream and parmesan together in a bowl. When cooked, turn the

Salads Olive oil Parsley The juice from half a lemon ...

Peel the majors, (you can leave some of the garbage in order to get a coloring game). Chop olives roughly and turn all the ingredients together, season with salt and pepper. tips: For the delicate it can be served instead of horseradish salad. Otherwise it

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Dissolve yeast in water (about 30 degrees C). Mix the rest with the water, but keep flour on the floor. Eat the dough very much - and sprinkle a little flour and cut a spoon and let the dough rise for some cellophane for half an hour. Roll the dough thin

Sides After the needs of Tunisian Spice (korianter, cumin seeds) Capers Olive oil ...

Everything must be grilled and put in a bag to pull a little - approx. Half an hour, so it's easy to pillow the garbage of the vegetables. Afterwards, chop, mix and season with salt, capers, olive oil as required, Tunisian spice (coriander, cumin) Decorate t

Mains Cinnamon ground Pepper Oregano dried ...

The dough: Place the bulb in a large bowl and pour the boiling water over. Let it pull approx. In an hour, stir around a couple of times along the way. Pour off excess water and squeeze the bulge free of moisture. Add egg, salt and pepper and blend with sp