Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Pizza cheese everything from ordinary household cheese for mozzarella Pepper Salt ...

Pizza Dej: Bring all the ingredients into a large bowl, remember to crumble the yeast. Dough the eggs with small portions of water and raise for 45 minutes. Turn on the oven 250 degrees C. alm. Oven so it's getting hot. Tomatsovs: all the ingredients are

Lamb Olive oil Salt Crispy salad ...

Brown the meat on all sides of hot oil on a pan. Season with salt. Grease harissa on the meat on both sides and put it back on the forehead. Continue on quietly approx. 14 minutes in total. Squeeze lemon over, heat the pan and allow the meat to rest for 5 minu

Mains Good bread A little cornstarch to jævning Pepper ...

Cut bacon into small cubes and brown them slightly crispy in a dry saucepan. Take them up, add a little oil to the pot and brown rabbit thighs are fine golden on all sides. Take them up and brown the herbs well in the fat from the meat. Add wine and boil in to

Lamb Pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices of approx. 0.5 cm. Arrow and chop the garlics. Put the sliced ​​potatoes in a greased oven dish or frying pan. Crush the tomatoes with a fork and mix them with the potatoes with salt, pepper, garlic and chopped parsle

Soups A pinch of plain yogurt Chopped fresh chili after taste Curry powder to taste ...

Peel carrots and potatoes and cut into smaller pieces. Boil for approx. 40 min. Do not add too much water to salt until they are well tender. Do not pour the water off; But mash the vegetables into a thick soup with a spellblender. Season garlic and curry a

Lunch (to go) Salt Grahams Buttermilk ...

1. Measure all ingredients. 2. Load baking paper on one baking sheet. 3. Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. 4. Crumble the yeast in a bowl. 5. Pour water and buttermilk In the bowl. Stir well. 6. Pour salt and oil into bowl. Tube. 7. Come grahamsmelet

Bread, buns & biscuits Olive oil Organo Eggs ...

Take 2 dl of lukewarm water and crumble the yeast in it. Put it in a bowl and mix it with the egg and wheat the flour. Also take a little oragno in, and approx. 2-4 spoonful olive oil. Mix it and let it rise for half an hour. Take it up and shape the bread for

Mains Chili as needed and against Pepper Salt ...

Wash the meat, dip it dry with a kitchen roll and rinse with salt, pepper and sprinkle with chilli. The vegetables are cut in appropriate sized sizes. They may be very rough. Onions and garlic are exchanged in oil The meat is browned on both sides. Add t