Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Mild Curry ...

The vegetables are prepared and cut into fine pieces (slices). Then put the cod in a greased ovenproof dish. Season curry and vegetables in oil in a thickened pot for about 3 min. Season with salt and pepper. Add milk or cream. Pour the mixture over the fish a

Mains Cream Chicken broth or water Pepper ...

Brown canine pieces in oil in a frying pan. Pick them up as they get browned. When all the pieces of meat are browned, they are returned to the pot and the white wine is poured. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes roughly and put them together with capers. Season with

Breakfast & brunch Chili Spring onions Tomato (Seedless) ...

Start pouring the olive oil on the forehead. Then take the tortilla wrapper and roll it together, then take a scissors and cut it into long strips across the forehead. Step until golden brown. Take the torillia off the forehead. Remove the frog in the tomato

Soups Wholemeal bread Julienne of ginger Picked coriander ...

Shake the cumin and coriander seeds on a dry, hot pan until they start to smell. Shake them in a mortar with garlic and chili. Shake the spices in olive oil in a large hot pot with ginger, carrots and onions. It should not take color, but the bulbs must be rea

Lamb Salad Crumbled feta cheese Pepper ...

meatballs: Mix the ingredients of a uniform father. Let the father rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Form to fry panels and raise them into the fat at medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. potatoes: Heat the oven to 250 degrees C Peel the potatoes

Mains Olive oil Salt Eggplant ...

Cut the chopsticks and brown them in a pot of olive oil. Add the chopped chicken meat or finely chopped chicken pieces. When the chicken meat is cooked together with the onions, add the 2 cans of chopped tomatoes and turn it down to half heat. Then add eggpl

Mains Pepper Reef parmasanost Salt ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging. Meat sauce: Saute the slurry in the oil. Increase the heat slightly, add the meat and raise it until it changes color. Add the tomato paste and let it fry for approx. 1 minute. Add broth and

Mains Basil Garlic Cucumber ...

Put the culotte in a frying pan. Cut garlic into the culott's fat and stop sliced ​​garlic down there. Then put 1 tbsp. Lemon juice downstairs, along with 1 tbsp. oil. Bring it well into the mixture, season with salt and pepper and let it stand and marinate fo