Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Clean the herrings and make three slices on each side of the fish. Mix flour, salt and pepper and turn the herring into it. Brush the herrings with oil, put them on aluminum foil and grill on each side for 2 - 3 minutes. Put the herrings in a refractory dish,

Appetizers Lemon both Pepper Parsley sprigs ...

Pile the head and shell off the prawns, but let the skull on the tailpiece sit. Remove the black intestine from the back with a pointed knife. Rinse the prawns and dip them dry. Mix the crushed garlic garlic with salt, pepper and olive oil into a bowl. Let

Mains A few thyme sprigs Pepper Salt ...

Mix olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Turn the cod fillets into the marinade. Grab the fish pieces into heavy algae oil and put a small hourly notice in each package. Grill the cod fillets for 8-10 minutes. Serving if necessary. With garlic pressing

Mains Dill Fresh tarragon Pepper ...

Order Mørbrad Royal at the butcher. A common pork tenderloin can also be used. The bumblebee is cut off. The pork tenderloin is completely cleaned for tendons, barley and fat, and cut off 9 cm from the siphon tip and 7 cm from the sirloin head. The piece is ju

Mains EVS. 1 hot chilli Fresh cilantro or flat-leaf parsley Vegetable couscous ...

Stir marinade together with finely chopped egg yolk and garlic, oil, spices and juice of a lime or ½ lemon. Pour marinade over the meat and turn it over. Leave it marinate for a minimum of 15 minutes and no more than half a day in a refrigerator. Grill the cut

Mains Vegetable marinade Salt Aromatic vinegar ...

Boil broth, wine, oil, vinegar, parsley and spices for the vegetable marrow for 5 minutes. Put the marinade, pour it back into the pan and season with salt. Arrow the bulbs and cut them in both. Peel the carrots and cut them into spell. Mushrooms and cut into

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Stir curry paste with olive oil, salt and pepper. Distribute the mixture on the hammer and grill the meat on all sides on a hot grill 5-6 minutes in total. Take the meat off the grill and pack it into the stanniol. Grill the package 20-25 minutes in total. Fli

Mains Pepper Salt Dried oregano ...

Place the meat in a marinade of crushed garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and chopped sage for 1-12 hours in the refrigerator. Dip the yogurt 1 / 2-1 hours into a coffee filter. Peel and tear the cucumber roughly. Take care of. Stir yogurt, garlic and cucumber