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Recipes with Olive oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Sea salt Salt Water ...

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Mix dry yeast with 1¼ dl lukewarm water. In another bowl, flour and salt are mixed. Add yeast mixture and the rest of the water. Add the olive oil. The dough was kneaded by hand or with a machine with a dough hook. Put the doug

Soups Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Heat olive oil and butter in a saucepan. Add carrot, onion and celery, all finely chopped, squeezed garlic and bay leaf. Stir around and simmer in a block under the lid. When the vegetables are softened, add the tomatoes divided into 8 pieces each. Leave to

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Cockles ...

Bring 5 l of boiled water into a large pan with 2 tablespoons of salt (full heat, low on). In the meantime, all the mussels must be flushed, all open thrown away. Onions and garlic pilles, loose halved and cut into thin rings, chopped chopped. The chiliies

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Peeled tomatoes ...

Onions and garlic peeled and cut very nicely. Heat the olive oil on the large pan, sauté onion and garlic in the oil. At the same time open the can and cut the tomatoes into smaller pieces after which the juice and tomatoes are poured. Sprinkle with salt and p

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Garlic ...

Boil 5 l of water in a large pot of 2 tablespoons of salt, pour the spaghetti and cook in a pan until it is al dente (taste it!) Peel the garlic and cut into fine slices. Heat the olive oil slowly in a large pan. Stir the garlic gently in the hot oil. They

Sides Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Clean and peel potatoes and celery. Tear both of them roughly on a grater. Bring the grated vegetables into a cloth, such as a clean dishcloth. Sprinkle salt and pepper over the cracked vegetables and close the cloth around the cracked vegetables and squeeze o

Mains Green and black olives Pepper Salt ...

Form the meat to the steaks and season them with salt and pepper. Step them in butter on a forehead. Keep them warm. Let the coarse onions spin spin in a saucepan. Bring the crushed garlic clove together with flaky, coarse chopped tomatoes. Season with salt

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix the chopped meat with the grater, add finely chopped parsley, parmesan, salt and pepper and mix it all thoroughly. Whip the eggs lightly and stir them in the meat mixture. It must hang together so that it is possible to shape it into a large oval bread. If