Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Mains Pepper Salt Apple, diced ...

Cook the rice for 10 minutes. Drop them well. Warm the oil in a saucepan Season the peppers and onions until they are soft. Stir the tub and beat it for 2 minutes. Then stir peanuts apple sugar and pepper in. Bring it to boil and stir well. Mix rice and

Soups Pepper Salt Oil ...

1. Cut the onion and garlic. 2. Step them golden in oil. 3. Mix the onions with tomato salt pepper and peppers. 4. Add water to boil for 20 minutes

Mains Flutes Pepper Parsley ...

Cut the veal into strips. Peel the carrots and cut them and half the fennel into slices. Melt butter and oil golden and grate meat and vegetables in it. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and add cream and cream fraiche. Season with salt and pepper and let the dish

Mains Well 1 kg boneless raw salmon with skin Vegetables New potatoes ...

Start with the sauce: Bring wine and broth into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Smooth it with wheat flour in a little broth. Whip cream and egg yolks together and whip it in. Warm it to the boiling point while stirring. Season the spices and season with salt

Mains Pepper Peeled tomatoes Oil ...

Bring some oil into a deep pan and season thyme, salt pepper and garlic card. Then put the meat in and sweat until golden. Add spinach (if frozen, just add more) and mix well. Finally add the peeled tomatoes and simmer approx. 15min. Then taste with salt and

Mains Pasta Pepper Salt ...

Start chopping the onions. Put onion and curry in the oil. Cut the chicken into mundane pieces and swirl it with. Add the broth and bring the sauce to a boil. Stir the corn starch into the cream and place it in the saucepan. Taste with everything and pepp

Mains A few sprigs of fresh thyme Solve rice Pepper ...

Cut the pork into mundane pieces and put it in a half-deep dish together with apricots and raisins. Pour red wine and vinegar on and add thyme and bay leaf. Leave it at least 1 hour. Let the oil get hot in a saucepan and sweat the meat in it. Add the fruit and

Mains Fresh tarragon leaves Wheat flour Solve rice and/or bread ...

Cut the calves on the edge, so they do not make a bowl during the frying. Turn them into salt and pepper mixed wheat flour. Brown the slices on both sides of butter and oil in a saucepan. Brown the whole garlic clove with. Cake the estragon and bay leaves with