Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Oil

Bread, buns & biscuits Garlic to taste (I used an entire garlic) Wheat flour Butter or magarine for brushing ...

The yeast is poured into the warm water. Add salt and sugar and stir until it is melted. Add the stuffed egg, oil and garlic (save some garlic to brushing). The flour is kneaded until the dough has a suitable consistency. Raises for half an hour. The oven i

Mains Pepper Salt Lime juice ...

Funnel must be mixed with 1 lime, lime juice, oil salt and pepper in a plastic bag and lay the shark pieces and marinate for a couple of hours. Moss: Potatoes and celery are peeled and cut into smaller pieces, boil without salt and mashed into a coarse mas

Appetizers White wine Clam wetness Pepper ...

The porridge is cut into thin slices Oil white wine and mussel chain Mixed with leeks and mussels Salty pepper to taste In the microwave for 5 minutes

Cakes in form Milk Dark chocolate chopped Oil ...

Eggs and sugar are whipped foamy. Flour, baking soda and vanilla are mixed. Add the flour mixture alternately with oil and egg / sugar mixture. Pumpkin chocolate and milk are reversed. Bake in a frying pan for 45 to 50 minutes at 175 degrees C. alm. oven.

Lunch (to go) Corn Oil Oregano ...

The yeast dissolves in the lukewarm water. Milk is added, along with spices, oil, bacon, corn, onion and tomato paste. The cheese is stirred and the flour is added. Raises an hour's time. Shaped into buns and raises approx. 15 min. Bake at 200 degrees

Mains Garlic (to taste) Curry powder (to taste) Rice ...

- Prawns are thawed and pilled - Garlic peeled and chopped - Pupils are prepared - Prawns, garlic, leeks and curry are cooked in wok until the prawns have a little color. - The rice is added - Then add pepper, baby corn and squash - Leave the dish and sm

Cakes in form Oil Apple Milk ...

(Switch on the oven at 175 C hot air) Put the dry ingredients together in a bowl, And then bring oil, eggs and milk in. Peel the apple and slice it into small pieces and then put it in the dough. Bring the dough into the molds. 1 form must be approx. F

Mains Garlic (to taste) Curry powder (to taste) Rice ...

- Prawns are thawed and pilled - Garlic peeled and chopped - Pupils are prepared - Prawns, garlic, leeks and curry are cooked in wok until the prawns have a little color. - The rice is added - Then add pepper, baby corn and squash - Leave the dish and sm