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Recipes with Oil

Snacks Herbs, finely chopped Breadcrumbs Eggs, beaten together ...

Using a potato peeler, thin strips are cut along the length of the squash. The strips are dipped in coiled egg, then dipped in a mixture of rasp and herbs. The oil is heated in a large saucepan and the straps are frying a few pieces at a time. When they are

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Raisins ...

Squash rives. All ingredients stir well together. The cake dough comes in a greased bread and bakes approx. 1 hour at 175 degrees C. alm. oven.

Cakes in form Salt Walnut kernels Vanilla sugar ...

Eggs, oil and sugar are whipped well. Coarse squash and chopped nuts are added together with the other ingredients. Bake in small panes approx. 23x33 cm. At 200 degrees Celsius. Oven for approx. 45 minutes.

Cakes in form Salt Icing sugar Butter ...

Squash rifts roughly. Eggs and sugar are whipped well. Add the oil - then the other ingredients. The dough is divided into two springforms approx. 24 cm. In diameter. The cake is baked at 190 degrees Celsius. Oven for approx. 40 minutes until it feels solid

Cakes in form Lemon, thereof Baking soda Cinnamon, ground ...

Tear the squash roughly and chop the nuts. Stir oil and sugar together. Add the rest except eggs and mix well. Stir the eggs in and pour the dough into an annular form. Behind 180 degrees C. Alm. Oven 1 hour. Cut the skull into strips with a juliennejern

Sides Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the ends of the squashes. Then cut them into long thin slices with a cheese cutter or a very sharp knife. Cut the slices into long thin strips. Pile the garlic and cut it into slices. Put the squash strips in a pan of oil for approx. 2 minutes at high heat

Sides Oil Cheese Margarine ...

Grate potatoes and zucchini on the rough side of the grater. Mix the mass with merian. Add salt and pepper. Shape for flat steaks. Heat grease and oil on a pan and raise one side at low heat approx. 10-15 min. Also turn the other side 10-15 min and then sprink

Sides Pepper Salt Basil ...

The squash is halved and the seeds are scrapped out. Onions are finely sliced ​​and seasoned in the oil, after which the meat is added. The mushrooms are cleaned and rinsed, sprinkled with salt and easily swirled with meat and onions. Mix with a cup of boil