Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Milk

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

The minced meat is brought to the father with eggs, milk, flour, chopped onion and minced parsley as well as salt, pepper. The roots are peeled and cut into large terns, which are shaken on a pan about 5 minutes. Half of the dad is laid at the bottom of

Mains Salt Soy sauce Chopped tomatoes ...

Rasp and milk are mixed. Meat salt and pepper are stirred in. The parsley is put in 2 rods in an ovenproof dish. The tomatoes are laid in between. The bread is crumbled and stirred with butter / oil, garlic and parsley. The parsley is spread over the tomato

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Garlic ...

Bring the rice into boiling water with salt. Stir around the water again and cook. Put on the lid and cook the rice at low heat approx. 12 min. Remove the pot from the heat and leave it still for approx. 12 min. Stir meat, eggs, milk and spices to a father.

Mains Dried Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Rinse the spinach thoroughly and remove the roughest stems. Arrow and heel loosened. Melt the butter and let the loaf sweat in it. Add the spinach and let it steam until it just drops. Mix the meat with rasp and stir the eggs one at a time. Stir in milk. Se

Mains Pepper Coarse salt Eggs ...

Bring the rice into boiling water with salt. Stir around to the water again and cook the rice according to the instructions on the package. Stir meat, eggs, milk and spices to a father. Add the cooked, slightly chilled rice. Fill: Mix parsley, garlic and

Cakes in form Fresh grated ginger Golden delicious-æbel peeled and cut into 2 x 2 cm sized cubes Cinnamon ...

The cake: Whip egg and sugar Add flour, baking soda and cinnamon and whip to even weight. Add tomato concentrate. Spread the bread into a sandwich pan and baking in a 150 degree hot oven for 20 minutes. Let it cool off. Chocolate mousse: boil milk,

Mains Pepper Eggs (size large) Finely grated lemon zest ...

baking time: Put the plate with potatoes in a cold oven. Set to 200 degrees C. alm. Oven and bag for approx. 1 hour and 20 minutes. Fry bread: Stir the chopped meat with salt until the meat is cool (about 1 min.). Bring onions, spices and eggs in. Stir the

Soups Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Dip the prawns and halve the pepper, cut into fine strips. Put it in the butter, sprinkle flour and season with the soup. Let it spin for 5 minutes. And then add milk, wine pure and shrimp. Season with salt and pepper and pour the soup into oven-proof pancakes