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Recipes with Honey

Candy Lemon juice Egg white el. water Honey ...

Pistachio nuts chopped fine. Add honey and egg white stir in water as well as electricity. a little lemon juice. If it is young children who make konfekten it is a good idea to use water instead of egg white, then the kids will surely taste of the raw mass. Al

Cakes Egg white Lemon juice Potash ...

Smut and chop the almonds. Pour them in a saucepan with sugar and honey and grate it browned about 10 minutes. Notch sukat and Seville oranges should and it came in the sugar together with nutmeg, cloves and cinnamon. Let it cool. Pipe potasken out in hot wate

Sides Cognac Honey A little cinnamon ...

Brandy boil up with honey approx. 5 minutes. While the three walnuts with boiling water is poured over draws 5 minutes. Water is poured from the three walnuts and these are cooked approximately 8-10 minutes in cognac and honey. If you want can add a sprinkle o

Desserts (cold) Maizenamel Honey Freshly squeezed orange juice ...

Boil orange juice up together with honey (2 tablespoons) to the gravy. Stir the flour up in a little water and stir in the sauce. Take the pan of exactly when it is boiling and let the sauce cool.

Mains Coarse salt Port wine (ruby) Ducks at 1 ½-2 ½ kg (like berberiænder) ...

Duck and sauce: Halve the ducks lengthwise, rub them with salt, and put them with the cut surfaces down in ovnbradepanden. Roast them at 200 degrees C for 1 hour, and pour regularly rendered fat from roasting pan. Reduce heat to 175 degrees C, brush the

Candy Vanilla pod Soft unsalted butter Cinnamon whole ...

Chop the nougat and chocolate finely. Bring the cream to a boil with the vanilla, cinnamon and honey. Let it simmer 2 min. remove it flared and let it soak, covered, 2 hours. Scrape out and down into the cream; throw the rod away. Bring the cream back to a boi

Candy (only a bit of vædden came in at a time) Honey Almonds with or without membrane (hazelnuts, cashew nut kernels sunflower seeds or similar) ...

The tonsils rives fine in a food processor or blender machine slaw. If you can't get it fine enough, they can be sifted and tearing again. Add honey and egg white or gently stir in water. Here you can "jumping" a little with different flavour additives such as

Candy Honey Sugar Butter ...

Stir butter soft. The other ingredients are added, and the whole thing is stirred well. Keel mass down for approx. 30 min. Form small balls (about 1 cm in diameter). Some can be rolled in coconut flakes and other in cocoa mixed with sugar. Allow to cool until