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Recipes with Honey

Cakes in form Abrikosmos Marzipan Cinnamon ...

Stir in eggs and sugar foamy. The honey is melted over a water bath. Chop nuts, sukat and Seville oranges should be fine, stir it all together with the flour and baking powder and add the spices and lemon must divide the batter in an even layer in a greased ba

Cookies Lemon finely grated to thereof Finely grated nutmeg Sea salt ...

Whisk eggs, cane sugar, sea salt and vanillekorn foamy in a large bowl. Blend almonds and hazelnuts in a food processor and got them up in a bowl. Mix nuts with seasoning in a large bowl and add the rest of the ingredients. Gently flip the egg mixture therein.

Cakes Olive oil Saffron Gomme arabique (I know not; means Gum Arabic!) ...

Mix the eggs, the softened butter, vinegar, olive oil, anis'en, sesame seeds, orangeblomstvandet, the two kinds of yeast, the Arab gum (!) and a glass of water. Mix the flour in until you get a smooth dough; mix in a little water if the dough becomes too "hard

Salads Pepper Salt Honey ...

Boil them with Peel in salted water until tender in about 20 mins. Rub the skin off of them with a knife, cut them into coarse cubes and let cool. Peel the Apple and cut it into coarse cubes and cut the spring onion finely. Stir the dressing together and tu

Mains Allspice Pepper Salt ...

Cabbage and onions Sauté until they begin to become clear and not brown. Add the broth, potato first came in and put then battle it out on as a lid, it should stand, covered, for about 45 minutes and some gruel is. Tag battle it out of the pan. Honey

Cakes in form Ginger encountered Cinnamon ground Orange grated to thereof ...

Honey warmed in a pan, cooled and stirred with sugar. Add cream (like sur), flour and eggs. Finally stir in the spices. Bake in a greased baking pan at 170 degrees c. alm. oven for about 1 hour. Cut into slices and can be served with powdered sugar glaze

Desserts (warm) Butter for dish Ground ginger Ground nutmeg ...

Set the oven at 200 degrees. Butter a baking dish with butter. Mix flour, oatmeal, farm, walnuts, ginger and nutmeg in a bowl. Mix well. Stir in butter and honey in melblandingen using a fork or a mørdejs-mixes for it will be a smuldredej. Style to the page. M

Cakes in form Cinnamon Apple juice Nuts/almonds ...

Mix the first 6 ingredients to a crumbled mass. Butter a baking dish with a little oil, place half the Apple pieces into the bottom and over pour with Apple juice, mixed with cinnamon. Sprinkle half of dough over the apples, crumble the advantage the rest of t