Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Cookies Milk Bicarbonate of soda Salt ...

Stir in butter and white sugar and add the other ingredients. Set the dough with teaspoons and good bageafstand on baking trays with baking paper. Behind them at the top of the oven at 175 ° in 8-10 my and let them stand for a few minutes on the plates before

Cookies Eggs Egg white Sugar ...

Mix everything together and push the mass together in the hand to the small peaks. Style them on baking sheets with wax paper and set them in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for about 12 min. Can possibly. dip in melted chocolate.

Mains Sauce Butter for frying Onion ...

Grate the potato/potatoes on tear iron grove page. Arrow and chop the onion finely and fry it browned in butter on the forehead. Tube forcemeat well with grated potatoes, svitset onion, eggs, cream and spices. Scroll small fine round meatballs, fry them Bro

Cakes in form Water Almond essence Baking soda ...

Margarine is stirred with sugar. The eggs are whisked in one at a time. Wheat flour and baking powder mix and added with boiling water and almond essence. Bake in baking pan ca. 23x33 cm. in 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees C alm oven. A glaze of powdered su

Mains Salt Butter for frying Thyme ...

Cut the lower part of the kålstokken and boil it in salted water just a few minutes. Boil kålhovedet in the water and cut the leaves away from the stick, as they become soft and put them in a colander to drain. Boil the rice grynene in salted water for 5 mi

Mains Salt Butter for frying Thyme ...

Cut the lower part of the kålstokken and boil it in salted water just a few minutes. Boil kålhovedet in the water and cut the leaves away from the stick, as they become soft and put them in a colander to drain. Boil the rice grynene in salted water for 5 mi

Cakes Icing sugar Wheat flour Powder coffee ...

Com water and fat in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Com all the flour in at once and stir well together to release the Pan and dough is shiny and uniform. Take the Pan from the heat and let it cool a little. The eggs came in one at a time and stir well betw

Mains Pepper Salt Basil ...

Clean the parsley roots. Cut them into small cubes, boil them until tender in about 20 mins and mash them a little off when they are finished. Melt the margarine in a saucepan and sprinkle the flour in and babies with milk. Add the mashed parsley roots, spices