Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Eggs

Mains Leaves of celery Freshly ground white pepper Salt ...

Pita bread: Stir the yeast into the warm water and add sugar. Knead the flour and salt in the dough should not be too dry; but smooth and supple. Let it raise approximately 1 hour in a warm place Turn on the oven at 250 C Portion dough into 12 pieces and

Sandwiches Lemon Pepper Chives ...

Whisk eggs and cream gently together. Toss gently. Melt the fat in a thick-bottomed pan, if desired. Teflon coated. Came the egg mixture into the Pan and let it congeal at low heat while stirring. When røræggen is cremeagtig take the Pan from the heat.

Mains A piece of meat per person, approximately 1 1/2 cm thick A little butter Pepper ...

Entrecote: Brown the meat on both sides. Got a small piece of butter to the Pan, fry the steak is finished in a few minutes, sprinkle with salt and pepper and serve with fries and bernaise. French fries: Peel the potatoes, cut them out with a French fries i

Desserts (cold) Eggs Whole milk Whipped cream ...

Chocolate cream: make chocolate cream first. Break the chocolate into small pieces. Bring whipping cream and milk to a boil. Take the Pan from the heat and whisk the egg in. then the chocolate into the hot mixture Whip, a little at a time and set the cream col

Mains Dijon mustard Pepper Salt ...

Stir the Turkey meat with salt, pepper and egg and add milk and bread. Tube forcemeat well through. Add the tarragon leaves. Blanchér kålhovedet in boiling salted water. Drag the leaves of one at a time. Put a spoonful of Dad's on each leaf and wrap it along.

Mains Turkey heart and liver (is the Turkey without the giblets, you can instead use 300 g chicken livers from frost) Pepper Salt ...

Thaw the Turkey 3 days in the refrigerator if it is frozen. Soak the bread in cream and madeira. Stir in onion and orange peel in. Heart, liver and bacon is run through kødhakkemaskinen or cut into very small cubes. Stir all ingredients for filling together

Mains Pepper Salt Quark. 5 + ...

Came the flour in a bowl, cut the fat into cubes and grind it into flour. Add salt and Quark and knead the dough together. Layer the dough to rest in the refrigerator while you prepare the filling. Filling: slice the chicken meat into small cubes. Part broc

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

Samel 3 sheets puff pastry and roll them out so they fit in a pie dish approx. 26 cm. in diameter. Tærterformen butter with a little oil and serve with the rolled puff pastry. Grate and drip, and apologise for them of bacon on a paper towel. Inserts kylling