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Recipes with Eggs

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Salt Water ...

The yeast in the lukewarm water touched out. Flour and salt added. The dough is kneaded well and made withdrawals for about 30 minutes. Then knead the dough through and molded to 4 flute, who after draws on a greased plate or wax paper in 15 minutes. RID

Bread, buns & biscuits Egg whites Almonds Pearl sugar ...

Crush the Saffron very finely in a mortar with a little sugar. Stir the yeast into the dejfadet with a bit of the cold milk and add the egg. Mix the fat throughout the rest of the milk and warm the mixture. Pour the yeast, add salt, sugar and saffron. Knead

Mains A little cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Basic mayonnaise: stir egg yolks with salt, vinegar and mustard. Then stir in the oil in a thin beam of the egg yolks while whipped/blended. Season with salt and pepper. Mayonnaisen to taste with cayenne pepper. Grate the peel of a grater into long strips a

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Puff pastry, roll ...

Serve a proper pie dish and place bacon and fintsnittet onions at the bottom. Forbag the bottom of a warm oven at 170 degrees c. alm. oven for 10 minutes. Advantage over the ham. Beat the eggs with the cream and season with salt and pepper. Advantage of the

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The peeled potatoes rives to Matchstick size and fry over a low heat in the oil, for they are easily klæge. The potatoes are changed in the together beaten eggs into a uniform mass. Seasoned and fried on a teflon pan. Make sure you smooth the mass well out. Tu

Breakfast & brunch Maple syrup Cinnamon, ground Eggs ...

Mix the milk and the eggs Turn the bread into the mixture (it will be best if the bread is soaked from the night before). Fry them in the Pan (preferably all at once and not too quickly). Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Serve with maple syrup (which can

Appetizers Red onion Salt Sugar ...

Dissolve the yeast in the water and the milk. Stir in buckwheat flour in and let dough raise a half an hour. Add the flour, salt, sugar, egg yolks and melted butter and stir into the dough is lind. Beat the egg whites until stiff and turn them into the dough.

Breakfast & brunch Roughly chopped parsley to sprinkle with Pepper Salt ...

The eggs beaten. Add salt and pepper to taste. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion for a few minutes (Golden and soft). Add the peppers. FRY until soft (about two minutes). Add the butter and pour the egg mixture on. Add the meat. FRY until it is