Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The pores are flushed and cleaned. Cutting in spell of approx. 7 cm long and cook for 15 minutes until they are tender. The meat is brought to father with eggs, flour, milk, salt and pepper. Put a piece of baking paper on the worktop and sprinkle with

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

All vegetables are cut into strips or terns and wrapped on a pan for approx. 5 min. If the vegetables start to bite at the bottom, add a little water. The vegetables are picked up. Then the meat is tendered tenderly. Mix it all together and season with soy

Mains Salt Peeled tomatoes Comments ...

Cut the meat off the legs and cut it into mundane pieces. Arrow slipped and cut it in the ring. Free the peppers for seed and kernels and cut them into thick strips. Melt the grease into the pan and first sweat the loaves and then the peppers strips. Take i

Sides HK. parsley Field mushrooms Carrots ...

Cut the sprouts into 2 mm. Slices. Grind the carrots on the raw roast. Cut the groundscreens in 4 mm slices or divide them into quarters. Mix everything. Serve with dill and lemon dressing.

Mains Basil, fresh Sea salt Olive oil ...

Pears / onions are cleaned and cut well, swirled in a little olive oil. The cabbage and carrots are cleaned. The cabbage is cut well. The carrots are cut into thin slices. Cabbage and carrots are cooked together with leeks / onions under low heat. When the

Mains Pepper Juice of 1-2 limes Salt ...

Beetroot and apples are torn. The marinade is stirred together and mixed with grated beetroot and apples. The salad is placed in the fridge until serving. Savoykålsbladene blanches for approx. 2 minutes. Drip well and cool. Pepper fillets are blend

Mains Ginger to taste Pepper Rice with turmeric ...

Cut the turkey breast for approx. 1 x 2 cm. Cut the vegetables for approx. 1 x 2 cm. Season some of the spring onion with garlic and turkey. Add chicken stock, tomato sauce, salt and pepper. The carrots come in and simmer a little. Add chilli, mushroom and gin

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Turn the calf hearts with 1 teaspoon curry and quickly put them on a pan or in a wok of butter and oil. Take the meat up. Saute the finely sliced ​​herbs in the remaining fat and add the rest to the curry. Sprinkle with broth and cream and cook to sauce consis