Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Pepper Salt Fresh ginger ...

Blasted skins must be ordered at the butcher a few days in advance. Give the shanks a boil. Cut the vegetables into the tern and season them in butter in a large pot together with finely chopped ginger. Put the shanks on the vegetables, add crispy almonds,

Mains Pepper Horseradish Parsley ...

Sour-sweet apples Peel the apples, cut them in quarters and remove the core house, stalk and flower. Boil sugar and vinegar. Add the apple pieces and let them boil even when the heat is low. Notice carefully with a knife. Bring them in a glass, cool them and

Mains Chutney EVS. 1 teaspoon nigellafrø Kikærtedej ...

The meat: Order the shank at the butcher a few days in advance. Bring the shank in a saucepan, cover with cold water and bring to a boil. Foam and add spices except salt and pepper. Cut carrots and bell pepper in three pieces - garlic and onions halved. Add th

Mains Vinegar Corn flour Pepper ...

Rids the shanks all the way around the sword with a sharp knife. Rub salt, syrup and pepper into the meat and allow it to take an hour. Mix the beer with cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and orange peel and juice. Marinate the meat for 24 - 48 hours. Turn along.

Mains Basil, fresh Sea salt Pepper ...

Sauce provencale made with blender: Peeled tomatoes are poured into the bowl, peeled carrot cut into smaller pieces, peeled and cut into smaller pieces. The peppers are freed for kernels and cut into smaller pieces. It all comes in the bowl of the peeled toma

Mains Thyme Pork shank Bay leaves ...

Boil the pork chops in water added with vegetables and spices. Let them boil at low heat for 1 hour. Take the vegetables as they are cooked. Take the shanks up and let them drip well. Rip the sword and put the shanks in the oven at 250 degrees C. alm. Oven

Mains Pepper Salt Dry white wine ...

Rip the sword several places and rinse it with salt. Put the shanks in a pan. Add laurel leaves and rosemary stews, like a little under the shanks, so that the herbs are not charred. Parsley the garlic cloves, cut the pinned onions in quarters and carrots in 2

Mains A little butter Pepper Salt ...

Sugar is browned to caramel over low heat. Add the butter. Here the brown cabbage is browned. The swallowed swine cane is given a quick boil in boiling water. Then put in braised potatoes with herbs and soups. Then bring the cabbage and the dish is brais