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Recipes with Carrots

Mains Olive oil Mustard Parsley root ...

The cleansed rabbit is divided into smaller pieces, which are turned into the flour. The vegetables are cut into small terns. Bring the bacon cubes brightly into olive oil, pick up with a clove and put on greasy paper. The cannons are now lubricated with musta

Mains Bouquet garni Veal kraftben Bay leaf ...

The rabbit is cut into pieces, marinated in a sirloin jar of wine grains, added thyme, bay leaves, a pair of scratched carrots cut into slices. In addition, whole peppercorns and salt come in the marinade. The rabbit pulls in this make for 24 hours- The pie

Mains Aromatic bouquet (parsley, thyme, bay leaf) Pepper Salt ...

Divide the rabbit into smaller pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper, brown them in a saucepan. Add the vegetables and the spice bouquet and cook the bacon in the bouillon for an hour. Take the meat, add the soup and add the esdrad and cream. Boil the sauce fo

Mains Mushroom Carrots Leek, sliced ...

The food is cut into cubes and browned in the fat. The onions are switched and half a liter of water is added, as well as salt, pepper, carrots, leek celery and color. All boil for 40 minutes and then mushroom and boil. The sovsen is leveled. Serve with loo

Mains Leek Sherry Rabbit ...

Divide the bunny into 8 pieces. Peel the carrots, peeled and cut both pieces into cubes. Clean the pores and cut it in the rings. Rub the canine pieces with salt and pepper. Put them in a greased ovenproof dish and serve carrots, onion and leek around the meat

Mains Pepper Parsley sprigs Salt ...

Rabbit the parties, rinse the pieces of meat in cold water and dry them well in a cloth. Brown the pieces of meat well in a little fat in a frying pan. Add the spices, parsley broth, broth and half a liter of water, let it boil for about 45 minutes for a low f

Mains EVS. ½-1 tsp lemon juice EVS. suit Pepper ...

Order the shanks at the butcher a few days in advance. Cut carrots and parsnips into slanted slices. Cut fennel in both. Put bacon in a frying pan or a saucepan. Came carrots, parsnips, fennel, pilled whole onion and potatoes in. Put the meat in the pan betwee

Mains Pepper Salt White or red wine ...

Divide the rabbit into pieces of pieces. Cut the pork tenderloin into 2 cm pieces. Clean the champigon, peel earthquakes and cut them into small pieces. Brown butter in a saucepan, and brown canines a little at a time, so they get a nice color. Sprinkle with s