Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Carrots

Mains Garlic salt Pepper Soy sauce ...

Cut a pocket into the meat and fill it with chopped parsley and dill, finely chopped garlic, garlic salt and pepper. Stretch the ladder well together with cotton yarn. Brown it in Chinese soy with low heat, add if necessary. Some water. The court fails for

Mains Marjoram Oregano Thyme ...

The meat is turned into flour and brune in hot oil, then the vegetables are switched. Mix it all together with the spices, add red wine and simmer approx. 30 min., Cream fraiche reversed. Put the rice in the oil until it is shiny, add the finely chopped oni

Mains Celeriac Leeks Turkey Breast ...

Boil salt, sugar, water, bay leaves, peppercorns and thyme for 5 minutes to a broth. Cool the layers. Place the turkey breast in the bed for up to 48 hours. Cut carrots, leeks, shallots, fennel and celery into thin strips and simmer it in a little butter. C

Mains Celeriac Tarragon vinegar Fennel ...

Cut onion and fennel roughly. Cover the turkey overcoat with water and cook it with bay leaf, pepper, thyme, onion and fennel. Boil the meat for approx. 1 hour until it is tender. Cut the meat into pieces of 1-2 cm. Soaked house blast in cold water for 5 minut

Mains Yellow bell pepper Garlic White wine ...

Preparation: The turkey breast is cut into strips a 1x4 cm. Peppercorns, carrots and red onions are cut into uniform strips. Whipped chopped and sugar peas are cured. Sauté: Kalkunkøden browns in olive oil on sauté pan, the vegetables are boiled and sautéed

Mains Pepper Salt Squash ...

Bank schnitzlerne thin with a meat hammer. Dip the meat with a kitchen roll. Spread a layer of thin mustard on the schnitzels. Put the ham on top and sprinkle with salt, pepper and basil. Roll them together and tie with cotton yarn. Brown the rollers on all si

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Oil Green bell pepper ...

The red onions are cut into thin boats. The peppers are cut into strips. Shreds vegetables and vegetables on a hot forehead in the oil, curry is added and shredded with. Then pour the white wine and the broth and boil up, finally add the cream and cook i

Mains Meljævning Parsley Soup may ...

Bring the meat in a saucepan with so much water that it just covers. Let it boil, remove the foam, add salt and soup and let it boil do not heat too much until the meat is tender - approx. 50 minutes. After approx. Cook the peeled carrots for 30 minutes and bo